10 | Sunrise

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Y/n Pov

My eyes flutter open. I still feel really tired despite actually having a good night sleep in such a long time. I sit up and see Shinsou, blissfully asleep (for once)

"Hey, wake up" I shout, but not that loud.
I poke his soft cheek and see his eyes twitch.

"Just a little longer y/n" He murmurs.

"C'MON" I say. He opens his eyes and gives me this look. He sighs and I giggle. "What time is it?" I ask.

"I dunno" I respond. "And Anyways, I should leave, Haruka should be home and I don't want him to worry." I say. "Oh, um, ok." He responds. We both get out of bed. I quickly run towards the door and put my shoes on. I was about to leave until I felt someone tap my shoulder. "Y/n wait" Shinsou says. I spin around to look at him. "Thank you for last night. For everything." I look at him with a blissful smile and say nothing, but instead planted a kiss on his cheek. I saw a dusty pink appear on his face, and before he could say anything I yelled "Bye!!" And ran off. God, his reaction was priceless!

As soon as I make it home and open the front door, I see my older brother Haruka, standing there with a smirk. "And where were you last night?" He asks. "U-um, I wa-" He cuts me off. "So, are you and Shinsou dating now?" He asks. I could tell he was using his quirk by the way his eyes slightly glowed a light shade of blue. Haruka's quirk is basically mind reading. "U-m, well, I don't know if were DATING dating, but urm I guess-" He cuts me off again. "You don't have to explain yourself again Y/n, I understand." He pauses. "Just tell me next time when your going to spend the night with him, ok?"

I didn't say anything, I just nod. "Also, this was on the counter, and I think it was meant for you." Haruka says. He hands me a letter signed with Kirishima's first and last name. I take the letter from him. Out of curiosity of what Kirishima would write to me about, I opened it.

Cliffhanger (pls don't kill me.)


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