22| Bonus- Dancing with your ghost

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Yelling at the sky , screaming at the world

Baby why'd you go away , I'm still your girl .

"Everything will be okay." Denki's comforting voice through the phone  was sadly ignored by the grieving, indigo haired boy.

"You don't know that." Hitoshi responded.

"Yes, I do." Denki spoke again.

"How?" Hitoshi responded, every time he spoke his hope would weaken.

"Because you should know [Y/N] will always be watching over you." Denki tried to comfort the lost, teenage boy.


Hitoshi hung up. He didn't want anyone hearing him cry, anyone seeing how hurt he was, or anyone to know how much he missed [Y/N], he didn't realize his peers loved him no matter what.

Holding on too tight , head up in the clouds

heaven only knows , where you are now

"Let yourself grieve." The young boy remembered what his mentor, Aizawa told him. Admittedly, Hitoshi failed to understand the phrase.

Hours of just laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, went by as Hitoshi tried to understand what 'let yourself grieve' meant. He thought all he was doing was grieving. Some days, he tried not to think of [Y/N] altogether. All he tried to was to push his feelings down and deny how much he was hurting inside, even though some days it was close to impossible to keep his head above the water. His main goal was to just. Be. Happy. Was that not grieving?

Until, finally, Hitoshi decided he had enough.

Getting up from his bed, Hitoshi checked his phone to see that it was 2:27 am. He didn't care. Hitoshi put on a nice jacket and shoes. Without waking anyone, Hitoshi left the building.

He didn't want to think about the phrase anymore, all it did for him was cause him more pain.

Eventually, he reached the spot him and [Y/N] saw all those fireworks.

The spot right before [Y/N] left.

How do I love , How do I love again ?

How do I trust , How do I trust again ?

Hitoshi walked up to the spot by the hill and sat down. He wasn't wearing a proper jacket, but the young boy never minded the feeling or cold hair piercing your skin. He had been through enough pain he didn't care about himself anymore.

I stay up all night  ,   tell myself i'm alright

baby your just harder  ,  to see then most

He remembered back to the amazing kiss him and [Y/N] shared, only to soon find out it would be his last kiss with his lover.

He remembered how heartbroken he was when he didn't feel a pulse on [Y/N]'s neck.

He remembered how he always read the letter when he began to think about [Y/N].

He remembered how much he cried trying to write a letter back.

The young boy couldn't handle the tears threatening to fall from his eyes.  At last, Hitoshi fell to his knees and began sobbing.

But, he realized.

Going up here, letting himself cry,

he was letting himself grieve.

No longer was he too bottle up his feelings and push them down, letting himself grieve was allowing himself to be vulnerable.

I'll put the record on  ,   wait till I hear our song

Every night I'm dancing ,

with your ghost.

Dancing with your ghost- Sasha Sloan

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