30| Bonus- Random Headcanons+ Comments I like

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Just a few headcanons I thought of. Sorry for all of the headcanons, I promise you guys I'll write a proper chapter after this, but i'm really stressed so this is the trash I can cough out qwq

-Hitoshi probably uses his quirk to mess around with you when he's bored

-If you guys are separated and due to Hitoshi's insomnia, sometimes in the middle of the night he'll call you over. You're the only thing that can help him sleep properly ❤️

-You guys stargaze together❤️ (Hint for the next chap uwu)

-You guys have a few cats, and you sleep in the same bed with all of them when you're together

- Their names are sushi, shomei, and sashimi :-)

- Hitoshi lets you brush his hair from time to time, but you can't stop it from being a bush

- It doesn't matter though you love him no matter what

-You usually fall asleep before him, so he'll spend the night stroking your hair and whispering sweet nothings to you

-You two probably have some personal midnight conversations

-You know you have to wake him up from his coma every morning

- Loves you no matter what, but won't admit it right away. Your relationship is built on a lot of trust

-He would die for you, and you would die for him ❤️

ALrigHt onTo thE comMeNTs

ALrigHt onTo thE comMeNTs

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Thanks for making me laugh you guys

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Thanks for making me laugh you guys

Also, I'll continue putting it out here for a while.
If you can sign this petition, please do. Black lives matter. We need to fight for whats right.


I love you all to pluto and back ❤️

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