48|| bonus au- little ones

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so its officially august first, which means that summer break is gonna end in a month, which means that if i wanna finish this book before school starts then i really have to start pumping out the final few chapters :,D WISH ME LUCK!!

Your cousin had asked you to babysit her 5 year old son, Kou, while she went out dealt with her own issues. You were always good with children, but it was Hitoshi you were curious about.

He leaned against the doorframe, watching you play with with your cousin. A small smile arose upon his lips, watching how you managed to captivate Kou's young mind. Every smile and laugh you shared made him wonder. what would it would be like with his own child...

Of course, you and Hitoshi were far to young for kids, let alone doing something like getting married. But he couldn't help but wonder.

He walked over to you and Kou, sitting down next to you. "Y'know, you're really good with kids..." He started. "Makes me wonder when we should have our own."

You blushed at his statement, playfully hitting him while he smirked at your embarrassment. "Can you watch him for a bit? I'm gonna go make lunch." You got up while Hitoshi slid closer to Kou.

Right when you were out of earshot, Kou asked a question that made Hitoshi really think.

"When are you gonna marry [Y/N]?"

"Uh-uhm, what?"

"When are you gonna marry my cousin?"

Though Hitoshi knew that he was young and probably couldn't grasp the concept of commitment yet, he thought about it. He knew with hero work he couldn't settle down with right after you graduated. But he loved you, and knew that he wanted to spend his life with you. You made him a better person and he loved you for that.

"So, whats your answer?" He flinched, looking up to see you standing by the door frame. Your arms were crossed, waiting for an answer.

"I- uh, well-" He stuttered, to which you laughed and sat down beside him. You kissed his cheek, feeling his muscles begin to relax.

"Well?" You continued to push for an answer. "Looks who's not so cocky when their the one being teased~"

"Well, I love you. And I'd love to marry you one day." He blushed, finally making eye contact with you. You giggled, leaning in for a kiss.

"Gross!" Kou yelled in disgust. You pulled away from him, forgetting that Kou was still here.

i'm sorry this was so short! i'm just having some writers block right now but i swear i'll make up for it.

i love u guys to pluto and back 🖤

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