45|| bonus au- vaccine woes

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based on a little something that happened to me today :,)

i got vaccinated!! and, i'm in a lot of pain. i got period this morning and i hate needles, so naturally i was already in a bad mood. the actual shot itself didn't hurt that much, but afterwards was what hit me. when i got home i was dizzy, throwing up, my cramps were so bad i was convinced my stomach was eating itself from the inside, until eventually while walking to the kitchen to get some water i just, like, sortofpassedout 🌚

i woke up like 2 minutes later, i was still on the floor and though i didn't bruise myself or anything, i just gave up and took literally a 3 hour nap. its 9:00 pm over here now, and while i'm still really tired and will probably go to bed after this, i wanted to write a quick chapter about this, since i think it'll make me feel better.

with that being said, enjoy!!

"C'mon babe, it's really not that bad!" Hitoshi insisted while watching you stumble your way towards the sink to get more water. You had just received your Covid vaccine, and you weren't quite functional, to say the least. You felt as though your legs would be swept away with the wind and you would be left helpless and unconscious at any moment. And your loving and devoted boyfriend, Hitoshi, really didn't seem to care.

"You don't know that." You retorted, leaning on the counter for support.

"Uh, yeah, I do, I got mine a month ago." He corrected you.

"And who was the one taking care of you after you came home acting like they amputated your arm?" You facetiously remarked. You began to space out. His voice was ringing in your ears, but you brought your focus onto supporting your body, since you felt your muscles grow heavier and heavier.

"Look, I don't know exactly what your feeling right now, but- HEY [Y/N]!"

Hitoshi yelled as he ran toward you. Finally, you gave up trying to compose yourself. You limbs were reduced to nothing as you collapsed- but never hit the ground.

Hitoshi made it just in time, cradling [Y/N] in their arms. Now that he finally got a good luck at his lover, he noticed how much of an idiot he was being. Their skin was pale and burning up, Hitoshi was just surprised that [Y/N]'s brain hadn't boiled inside of their head yet.

Immediately he felt guilty for ignoring your complaints. He should've done something about it. He frantically picked up his phone and dialled a number.

"Hey, um, I'm Hitoshi Shinsou, my partner, [Y/N] [L/N], was vaccinated today and they just passed out. What do I do??" Being the introverted, reserved boy that he is, [Y/N] was usually the one who made phone calls. How convenient for him today. Hitoshi nervously listened to the typing on the computer before the operator spoke again.

"Oh, don't worry, it's completely normal for patients like your partner. Just make sure to take them to bed and have them stay hydrated when they wake up." The operators serene voice comforted Hitoshi as he thanked her and hung up. Making sure to be careful with you, he picked you up and carried you to your shared bedroom.

"I'm an idiot, I'm such an idiot." The brainwasher chanted under his breath as he placed [Y/N]'s body down. "Yeah, you are..." Hitoshi heard [Y/N] slur.

"Oh my God, [Y/N], are you okay?!" He asked in a frantic panic.

"I feel like shit." They mumbled.

"I know, I know, I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you." Hitoshi apologized, taking [Y/N]'s hand and placing at against his lips. "Do you need anything, baby?"

"Just lay here with me?" You requested, staring into his deep, violet eyes.

Hitoshi sighed, flopping onto the bed with you. You let his head rest on your chest as the both of you fell into a deep sleep.

You'd definitely take the chance to punch his vaccinated arm after you woke up.

i hope you guys enjoyed that! i am feeling better, but i'm gonna take it easy tomorrow.

i love u guys to pluto and back 🖤

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