A-N Please Read

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I know this book is nothing but authors note but hear me out. This is regarding George Floyd.

I think you've probably heard what happened to him- he was an innocent black man who was suffocated to death by a racist cop. I saw some footage of it yesterday. Case and point, I don't have any words to describe how sickening it was.

We shouldn't have to treat people differently based on the colour of their skin. At the end of the day on the inside we are all the same. If you think otherwise, I'm not so sorry, you're racist.

My heart goes out to his family who is suffering with the massive grief. I can only imagine how horrible it is. My heart breaks for them and for the black community who are sadly still experiencing racism. I found it mind blowing that it is 2020 and people still treat others differently, let alone MURDER PEOPLE, based on the colour of their skin. It is absolutely mind boggling to me. The colour of someones skin shouldn't have to be an issue. Honestly. If you think otherwise tell me why because I am genuinely curious. You won't have a good reason because there IS NOT a good reason. There is no reason to be racist. There is no reason to treat someone this horribly because of their skin. If you think otherwise. YOU. ARE. RACIST. Black lives matter.

If you can, please sign this petition:


If you see this, try to post something about it. Spread it like wildfire.  This needs to change. We have to fight for whats right ❤️

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