42| Bonus AU- Sleepless nights

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Hey guys. Don't worry i'm alive. Just busy. Dealing with some issues. Check my message board, you'll see why.

8 Chapters left...

Vent ❤️

Rays of moonlight pooled through the curtains, illuminating the dimly lit room. There was a somber yet peaceful silence as your eyes watched the digital clock. 3:33 am.

You sighed, turning over to face your boyfriend, who for once was sleeping peacefully. You smiled, your gaze locked on his handsome features- chiseled jawline, messy yet handsome hair, curled, soft eyelashes, eventually you pulled away since the staring got creepy.

You sat up and crept your way to the balcony. The fresh night air filled the room as you stepped onto the creaky floor boards of the balcony, delicately shutting it behind you. You walked over to the edge and looked down- you had no intention to jump, just to stare. All the cars, people, bikers, kids, couples- they were ants from this point of view. Cars speeding by seemed novel to you from up here.

Do you know that feeling? It's the feeling when you're sad but tears refuse to fall from your eyes. Melancholy fills your throat as a slight choking feeling arises. Your knees feel as though they'll give out but some unknown force is keeping you standing, despite the fact you WANT to collapse. Do you know that feeling? Hero training hasn't gotten any easier for you. Nor has your inexplainable melancholy that looms over you. Tonight you just wanted to forget about that- again, you weren't going to jump. You were just going to hope that things get easier at one point.

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist- but not a flinch or gasp was carried out of you as you knew who it was. You turned around to face Hitoshi, a tired yet gleeful smile plastered upon his face at the mere sight of you.

"What are you doing out here?" He spoke, his voice breathy and low. You couldn't reply with anything else other then a shrug. You sighed whilst leaning into the crook of his neck, smiling while feeling the warmth radiating from his body.

"Back to bed?"


I'm alright guys, again dealing with some things. Haven't been great lately to be honest, but i'll be alright. I missed you guys, not gonna lie. School has been stressful and I haven't been on Wattpad as much as i'd like to be, but I want school to be a priority.

I love you guys to pluto and back ❤️

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