11 | Letter

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I'm at school pray I don't get caught uwu

Y/n, I've always admired you from afar. The way you acted, the way you used your quirk, the way you smiled, I loved it all. You inspire me to do better. I want to be by your side, always. I love you y/n.
I hope things will be okay after this.


I reread the letter so many more times. I pinch myself. Am I dreaming? I have to reject him, but this letter is so pure, I don't know what this will do to him. I don't want to hurt Shinsou either. I feel torn.
I need to talk to Kirishima about this.

Y: Hey...
K: Oh, um, Hey Y/n... whats up?
Y: We need to talk.
K: Oh, ok.
Y: I think your letter was really sweet, but, I don't think I can except it....
K: .... i'm sorry.
Y: Wait Kiri-

He hung up. God why Y/n?? You hurt him you bitch. You could've just pretended you didn't get. What else could I have done?! I lie on my bed and feel a few faint tears on my cheeks. Soon, I fall asleep under the stress.

I wake to find myself not in a bed, but rather on a cold, dirty, floor made of cement. My head is spinning and I feel like vomiting. My wrists burn. I look down at them to see them chained to the wall. One bleeds, but not that much. It all hurts like hell. I don't know how I got here.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps approaching me. I look up to see Kirishima. "Kirishima, what happened?!" I frantically ask. "I'm glad your awake." He says. He crouches down and cups my cheeks. "I love you Y/n." Before I could say anything he cuts me off by covering my mouth with is hand. "Don't reject it, something bad will happen." He giggles. "Why?" i cough out. He ignores me, but instead kisses me on the forehead. He gets up and exits the room leaving me all alone there. I noticed he was in the UA uniform. Have I been asleep that long?

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