36| Bonus AU + Ending this book soon!

287 12 4

Midnight where I am, which makes it June 26th, which makes today my birthday!! Finally I get to level up!!

Midnight where I am, which makes it June 26th, which makes today my birthday!! Finally I get to level up!!

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So, I'll say it now. As you can see from the title, I'll be ending this fanfiction soon. Chapter 50 will be the last one. And god, I'm gonna miss this, but I have other things to work on. But hey, at least 14 chapters left, thats still a lot if you ask me!

I have so many thank you's to give out, but I'll save it for the last chapter.

And, its almost Shinsou's birthday!! (July 1st if you didn't know) So this is something a little early for him! Enjoy!


"Augh, Denki I'm stuck!" You exclaimed while walking into the mall with your sunflower haired best friend.


"You'll find something, I'm sure!" He comforted you as he patted you on the back. Hitoshi's birthday was coming up, so the both of you wanted to get something for him. You and Denki passed by stores while chatting about nothing really. Eventually, you passed by Todoroki with him arms around Izuku, immediately Denki snapped a picture to prove they were dating.

"Anyways, any gift ideas?" Denki asked, leaning his head over to you. You sighed, still not knowing what to get him. "Any suggestions?" You asked as your lips curled into a sheepish smile.

You felt Denki lean over and whisper something into your ear.

"How about a blindfold to use from time to time, I know you guys are kinky"~

"Shut up!" You yelled while pushing him away. He chuckled while watching your flustered face.

"Well, maybe I have one idea..." You trailed off as Denki followed you out of the mall. It wasn't a good idea in hindsight, but, It was still an idea.


Anyways, happy birthday to myself :,) and I love you guys to pluto and back 💖

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