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That day at the clinic once I had recieved that call had left me weighed down with what if's.
I mean what if everything was different, what if minds were changed, what if circumstances were different? But once everything was said and done I believe in my heart I made the right decision in that moment.
It was the day that changed everything in my life, the moment that set me onto this new journey through the unknown, the day that I will always look back on with mixed emotions, from fear to relief and of course guilt.
That day had led me to this moment in my life. Another Saturday has arrived like the many others before it only this one six weeks later in the spring air of April is going to be one for the memory box in my wardrobe and I am about to embrace a day that I would never have imagined would happen in my wildest dreams just a few short months ago.
Today I start my future.
I had spent the six weeks waiting for my body to recover from the heartache it had been dealt by Hero as well as by my own choices. Those weeks had been spent with the people closest to me, helping me to rebuild myself to actually piece together my life and what I truely wanted from the days, months and years to come.
Each day may be a new battle, each week may have me on a new path and each year may be spent achieving a new goal but I will achieve everything I want and I will thrive and make the world know my name one way or another.
But for now I am taking today in my stride and enjoying everything that will happen as the hours tick by.

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