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Friday night on the streets of London is the last place I thought I would be anytime soon but Friday night on this day in particular it is the last place I want to be especially with the ultimate betrayal to myself sitting in the backroom of this traditional old London boozer celebrating the life of the ultimate back stabber.

My smashed up car has prevented me getting here quicker and on top of that its thrown my original plans for a quick escape into the scrapyard, so now instead I have a hotel room booked for one night and then tomorrow morning Eleanora and I will be on the seven o'clock train out of here, back to Winchester before anyone can stop me. My first job when I return home is to book an appointment with a private adoption agency for the earliest possible moment.

Sirens sound around me, the classic sound of every night in London. Emergency services, loud party goers enjoying themselves and the bright lights of the buildings and cars illuminating the sky. Everything that made me fall in love with our capital is out here wrapping around me on the street like a familiar comfort blanket while everything that kept drawing me back weekend after weekend to this city is inside unknowing of what is going to erupt when I get myself through the door to face them all for one final time if they don't just give me what I want from them.

"Emily" the familiar voice of Kelly snaps me from my own thoughts, before I can utter a word to her she is wrapping herself around me "we didn't think you were coming" she chokes out, unwrapping me from her tight embrace as I flinch her eyes finally taking a moment to look at the state of me "what the hell Em?" She gasps.

I roll my eyes not caring if she is offended by the action or not "I wasn't coming but as always not one person in my bloody life has done what has been asked of them so I have been forced to come to this hell hole" all the thoughts of happy times that had been littering my brain just minutes ago are gone and my wall is back up and holding off the intrusion into my life.

A sigh of regret that she tried to be friendly with me after everything that has happened between us falls from deep in her chest "Emme things aren't like you are seeing them, please Em let us help you with all of this."

The whinging pleas hit my ears and instantly piss me off "HELP ME" I scream at her "if you wanted to help me you would of done it long ago not now that you all feel guilty for destroying my life and then leaving me alone while you, my supposed best friend side with guys you wouldn't even have met if it wasn't for me"

I don't give her chance to respond instead I take my irate ass and strut my way into the pub, hearing calls of my name from the locals as I walk past them all and head straight to the door with private hire scrolled across it knowing that behind this slab of wood my whole world is mourning the loss of the only guy except my Dad that I believed would never break my heart.

The door crashes open, the scene from New Year's Eve spread out in front of me sparking more memories. The karaoke machine in use by the girls who swarm around the Mboys in desperate need of attention from some of the hottest guys around, their voices out of tune as they slaughter a Taylor Swift song while those lads who converted me from quiet country girl to what I am today are propping up the bar and perched on stools watching on.

"Emily whatever you're here for please don't do it now, don't ruin this for Brandon" and there it is the soft whimpering voice of my other so called best friend "Natalie" I snarl "don't preach to me about ruining things for people" the shock on her face at my tone is giving me an uneasy feeling in my chest and I don't like it at all.

The last thing I need is to feel any type of regret for treating the softest and most kindest girl I have ever met with the same distaste that I have for the rest of this group that she is now firmly a part of, so instead I drag my gaze around the room a smirk spreading on my face as each person nudges the one next to them alerting them to my unexpected arrival.

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