Emily's Letter From Brandon

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To my darling best friend,

So, the time has finally come to send you another one of these heart on the line letters. This time I need you to take my words in and spend time really thinking about them, can you promise me that you will do that Em?

Our friendship has been the driving force in the destruction of my friendship with Hero over the years. My silent love for you over the years along with my dedication to you over my long-term mate during each of your many dramas has caused me know end of trouble but I accepted it all because my love for you was always my priority.

I guess people would say that it's because I am truly whipped by you, there was nothing I wouldn't have done if I thought it would help me win your heart over and to finally be able to claim you as mine. But then reality sunk in that even living with my death sentence you would do anything for me but only ever as a friend, because that heart of yours will always belong to my friend, it will only ever truly hold Hero in it.

My acceptance that my love was and would always remain one sided had me looking at everything from a different angle, I noticed how you were changing from the kind-hearted loving Emily that we all respected and adored into this girl that none of us recognise, a girl who will use anything to get her own way, to get revenge to hurt innocent bystanders in your quest for vengeance.

The facts were there early on, but we all spent to long choosing to ignore them, you were holding an unhealthy level of hatred for Hero after he had told you to abort your pregnancy. I will never agree with his snap decision, but I do believe him when he says it was a rash decision.

I watched on as you plastered on a false smile whilst twisting all his world around your little finger, convincing them that they would be allowed to be a part of your future even after having the baby in secret. Emily, I watched on believing every word that you said when you promised his desperate family they wouldn't lose your child from their lives, you seemed so sincere, and my heart was full of pride at how well you were handling everything even with your heart breaking into a million tiny shards.

What changed Em, why would you suddenly decide not to keep to those promises?

I understand that you felt betrayed when H arrived at the flat, discovering your secret and everyone's betrayal but one day reality was going to strike and you would have been caught out along with the rest of us because never would that little girl have gone unnoticed by him, shit Emme you share friends for God's sake.

The day I learned that he had found out, that you had allowed him to stay with you at the flat so that you could both get on the same page with your futures both as individuals and as a family unit, I really believed that everything would be ok between you both.

Hero had returned to London full of confidence and big plans for how he was going to make it work with you and his baby along with his career, the smile back on his face and the sparkle in his eye had returned bringing back memories of the days he would appear back with the boys after disappearing for days on end before we knew of your existence, because that boy may have made a stream of colossal mistake but he has always been madly deeply in love with you from the very beginning.

You see Emily I always thought that you were too good for him, your perfection was above anything he was capable of matching back then when all he thought about was getting off his face and ridden hard by any girl who was offering it up to him. Then the changes came, he went from fucking countless girls sometimes all in one day to not lifting his head from his phone long enough to notice they were even in the room, from spending time in a cell or an interview suite at the local cop shop to being off their radar completely all because of the petite brunette country girl, never did I believe that someone so innocent would turn his head in such a way.

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