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The smugness across Emily's face is nothing like I have seen before, not in her or anyone else. I am the big brother of what I thought was the smuggest son of a bitch going but he has nothing on her in this very moment, in this very moment time has stood still and all I can see is her face locking with my own as a clatter of whispers and voices spill out around me.

"Titan please, brother what the hell is she on about?" I hear my brother's question; I move my mouth to respond but nothing comes out because suddenly after everything that I have shouted about to each and every person in this room for the last few months, I Titan Fiennes Tiffin am mute and void of words to explain this away.

A snigger hits my ears "yeah Titan what am I talking about?" She smirks with pride "oh dear did I just force you to confess to something you wanted to keep a secret from the people you knew would control things, would try to destroy things for you? its so shit when that happens, isn't it Titan"

The walls around me are closing in, the faces of people I have known for over half of my life masking their confusion with blank stares as her words settle in my mind, she has done this on purpose just to punish me because I outed her secret pregnancy.

My determination to keep my private life just that, gone thanks to the newly discovered evil side of Ms Emily Dean, the innocent girl that I never believed my little brother would be worthy of no longer existing and has instead been replaced with this new woman full of hatred for everyone including her own daughter.

My fight or flight instinct kicks in and for the first time in my life I can't face the fight and instead my flight response is taking over and within seconds my feet are carrying me away from the crowd "Ti" Hero's voice is chasing me through the room as I make my way out of the stifling inside of the pub, our regular hangout that was meant to remind us all of happy memories will instead now always be the place that Brandon's legacy has been ruined and my secret revealed inside the walls of.

All I wanted was to get through today and to let them all just remember him in their own way so that I can get myself home and booked into a hotel miles away in the place that we had always said we would run away together to for time alone together, before that manipulative bitch rocked up and destroyed all of our lives and memories.

The autumn night air smacks me in the face as I stumble out onto the bustling city street. The familiar Friday night crowds are flocking around us creating a much-needed distraction to my baby brother as I try to break free from his stare so I can make my escape.

"Bro, listen it's ok" he begins, only to be quicky interrupted by the loud group heading our way.

"Heroooooo" a voice I had hoped we would never hear again screeches into the air around us sending a shudder though me as I spin back around to find Hero stood rigid to the spot, fear locked onto his face as the annoying voice continues to insult our eardrums "well well well, the hot shot movie star is slumming it at his old local again" a split second thought has me thinking I will move through the crowd that has appeared between us and save him but instead my need to be alone wins out and as I mouth a simple "sorry" to my brother I take off down the street and hop onto the first bus that I find making my getaway complete.

As the bus drives past I keep my head facing straight as I catch a quick glimpse of Freddie joining Hero on the street, both of their faces looking towards the bus that is acting as my awfully slow getaway vehicle.

The lights keep flashing into my eyes as the tears build on my lower lash line, the bright white reminding me of the moment I stood just here on this street with a drunk Brandon listening to his declaration of love, his pleading to finally be able to tell the world who we really were to each other after months of trying to work out what exactly was happening between us. The memories of the nights we would head off early with work in the morning for an excuse to the rest of the boys in an attempt to escape the rest when really, we just wanted some time alone, our love a secret but still as strong as everybody else's who were openly proud of their partner.

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