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This shoot for the promotional photographs is the last thing I am in the mood for today. After spending this last week dealing with Anna and her new level of crazy all because my selfish ass of a co-star decided that he was going to take an extra week back at home partying with his boys or grovelling like a hurt little bitch at the feet of his ex or whatever the fuck he was up to, I had to try and convince her that everything would be fine once we had him back here again with us and focused on nothing but the franchise.

I am stuck battling with the rising anxiety that he still has not left London like he is meant to have done over twenty-four hours ago.

When he first left, I had been forcing him to keep in contact with me, Anna and Jen had worried about his commitment to the franchise once he was home so I had volunteered myself to keep in touch with him and if I had any doubts, I would let them know. I had failed to tell them that I was doing it for my own selfish reasons too as I had been hoping that he was going to miss me like I knew I was going to him, at least after being together for so long during the filming process I had hoped it had made an impact on his feeling for me once we were apart, secretly I had hoped it would be enough to have him desperate to get back here to me again.

After not hearing a thing from him for the last twenty-four hours, no matter how often I have sent messages which remain unread or called him and whined into his voicemail I still find myself sitting here waiting for him to arrive with no clue as to where he is just like everyone else who means nothing to him. We need to get the promo photographs out of the way before we tackle all the magazine interviews that Jen has lined up for us and the more, he is dragging this out the worse it is going to be for us both now that the tempers of Anna and Jen are clearly starting to snap at his unprofessionalism.

The peace and quiet is interrupted when Anna steps in front of me casting a shadow from the summer sunlight that I was enjoying as it beamed through the window "where the hell is he" she screeches at me the look of fear in her face that he was going to screw this up just like he had been our filming schedule with his pathetic broken heart until she dealt with him in a way none of us still to this day have a clue about.

I shrug my shoulders "I have no idea he stopped replying to me" I had avoided telling her this little fact in the hope he was just busy travelling and sleeping.

The door to the studio opens, we both switch our attention to see who is coming through it, a low groan leaves us both as we take in the face of Jen "he changed his flight again" her arms flailing around in the air as her tone is filled with exasperation "he booked a flight that would mean him coming straight from the airport to here".

"Why would he take such a risk?" Anna cries out her head in her hands as she flops down onto the couch next to me.

I place my hand onto her back rubbing it gently in the hope to calm her down "he has barely been available to talk since he told me he was delaying his flight a week ago" I tell her needing to be honest with them "he seemed to disappear of the face of the earth after that conversation" and I have a feeling I know exactly where he was but I don't let them know that much at least not until I can confirm that he is breaking his contract anyway, I mean I love having him to make out with on screen but if he is going to screw up my chances I would rather they just replace his ass in the rest of them if he is going to keep bailing on us for some bitch back in the UK.

"You don't think he has been back with that ex of his, do you?" Jen asks me, unable to lie for him I shrug my shoulders I am pretty sure she has something to do with all of this and I don't doubt that he will come in here and lie his ass off about it too.

Anna looks at me confused "but I thought you two were getting close? I thought that you were going to be my real life Tessa and Hardin" a slight break in her voice has my heart aching in my chest, she isn't the only one, I really did think that I had worked my magic on him and that he would be missing me while he was back home, I wanted him to be in a rush to get back here to finally man up to his reputation he claims to have but instead he has proven how weak he really is over his schoolboy crush.

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