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The high pitched shrill that came into the room from the big red button that the nurse had smashed seconds ago is making my brain race as my ears feel like they are going to start bleeding. The door crashing open as a swarm of nurses in a rainbow of different coloured tunics come rushing to Emily's bedside the panic on the soon to be new mums face clear for everyone to see. Words being shouted out between them as they communicate in what feels like an alien language, a tall grey-haired bloke dressed in trousers with a shirt and tie which is covered in a white jacket joins them "what is happening?" He snaps at the nurses as they stand checking different things on our best friends monitors.

The words heartbeat dangerous no other options c-section all float around the room none of the feel meaning about it sinking in as they move Natalie and I into the corner of the room so they can whisk Emily out into the corridor. My heart is pounding against my rib cage as I hold my girl in my arms tears rolling down her face as she watches her lifelong friend be rushed for surgery "can you tell us whats happening" I call out behind them.

I watch one of the nurses stop in her tracks, quickly conversing with another before she returns into the room a forced smile upon her face "sorry we needed to get them down to surgery as quickly as possible" I follow the direction of her hand as she points to the chairs in the corner of the room, guiding Natalie to them we sit on the edge of our seats our hands linked together the knuckles turning white as we squeeze them together trying to reassure each other in this moment that everything will be ok but our fear at what she is about to say is clear on both of our faces.

"Emily's baby is having some difficulties; they are going to operate to get the baby out quickly in the hope to save it" the sinking feeling of my heart hitting my stomach has me feeling nauseous as Natalie lets out a sob next to me.

"What are the chances of the baby surviving?" Natalie asks quickly adding "will Emily be ok?" So far, we have not had any worries about Emily's health in all of this, but suddenly the fear of losing her too is written all over my girlfriend's sad face.

The nurse kneels in front of us placing a hand over our joined hands with a soft squeeze she smiles "at the moment Emily is doing well and she is not a concern, the risk is only to the baby and unfortunately that is not something I can make any guarantees on, as your aware this is a very early birth and the baby is at such a low expected weight too, so right now we are doing everything we can but I advise you to make the calls to the people who do need to be here so they can maybe arrive in time" I nod my head as Natalie mutters that we need to tell H "is that the baby's dad?" Angela queries, not knowing how much Emily has decided to share I just offer a weak smile "if he can get here as soon as possible then I suggest that happens".

"He is in America; he is on his way to the airport now, but he won't be here until tomorrow" how do I even make this call "what time will visiting hours be for him tomorrow?" I need to let him know when to come here not wanting him kicking off if they refuse him entry.

"If he is the father then he can come straight here, I will leave a note to say that I have granted him special permission to arrive straight from his flight" before my brain registers what my body is doing, I am leaning forward and wrapping her into my arms. "Thank you so much for everything you have done" I tell her as I release her "your more than welcome, I will come back to you as soon as I have more news but for now the best you can do is make sure she has everything and everyone she needs here".

I watch as she heads out of the room my phone already in my hand and dialling Hero's number, after two short rings the line is connecting "hey bro whats happening" he answers concern clear in his voice as I try to find the words to tell him what's happening this end "Fred mate speak to me" he pleads.

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