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The soft touch of her golden skin wrapped around my naked body while I sleep is everything I need "Hero" her smooth voice purrs in my ear as I hold her close to me "you were everything I thought I wanted when we were friends, the show of perfection that you put on, the way that you were being soft and gentle with my emotions for all of those months, but then you became everything I had left behind when I broke things off with Oliver, a cheat and a liar" why is she going over these things again, we had moved on from this "and despite the things you screwed up between us my heart just won't let you go but my head knows that this has to be over for not only both of us but also for Eleanora too because us trying to be anything except history will just destroy the chances of her having a happy childhood so please I beg of you let us go and lead our plain uncomplicated lives while you go and be the superstar you're destined to be".


My arm stretches out, suddenly feeling empty as I blindly hunt for my phone desperately trying to shut off the irritating noise of someone trying to contact me. I roll myself back over, following the familiar scent of my girls' perfume "Mmmm Emme" I purr reaching across the bed for her as a chill takes over my body.

My morning wood screaming at me that I could do with one more session in the shower with her before we head back into reality and deal with everything that is about to erupt from our reunion last night but more importantly before any of that I just want to hold her close for a little while longer.

My hand taps on the mattress finding nothing but air in front of me on the bed, a groan vibrates in my throat as I open one eye slightly in my search of the bed for her. My quest turns up empty and something feels off, the earlier chill over my body now setting in again "Emily" I call out listening to the silence, waiting for her to reply to me "Emme" I shout again in the hope that she will reply this time, that she is out in the kitchen making coffee for us, unable to hear my calls and that the ache in my gut is wrong that she hasn't instead fled while I was sleeping leaving me here alone like a coward.

I sit myself up snatching my phone from the bedside table "what the fuck" I snarl realising that she must have moved it into here while I was sleeping because we had discarded of every scrap of our belongings out in the living area before arriving here on our best friends bed our bodies naked hot and sweaty while our hearts full of love and desire.

We had declared our love for each other, we agreed that we were meant to be together.

We had fallen asleep in each other's arms with me dreaming of our future together as a family.

The irritating vibrations of my phone snap me out of my replay of last night that I was slipping into, my brothers name flashing over the screen has me groaning as I connect the call "hi" I try desperately to fight the break in my voice "Morning grumpy" he mocks "I'm on my way over with your clothes, we need to get this breakfast sorted out" the thought of facing everyone for this Mboys meet up is filling me with dread, I don't want to face anyone while my head is filled with nothing except questions but there is no other option accept attend, fake my way through it for Brandon and try to get hold of Emily on her own and then find out what the fuck is going on "Fine see you soon" I disconnect the call and instantly send a text to her not wanting to waste a minute on over thinking this when there could be a simple explanation.

Emily, please tell me you have just gone to get your stuff and you're telling Derulo that its over between you two.

I hit send and drag my ass for a cold shower, my dick may want attention but there is no way my head is going to allow that to happen this morning after all of the steaming sex from last night there is nothing that I can imagine that will be hot enough to bring me to a climax. The feeling of disappointment that there is a chance that I am going to have to go back to servicing myself with dreams of her being the only thing that would get me off for all of those months has my head spinning as I press it against the cold tiles of the shower wall my body covered in goosebumps as the ice water cascades over me, my morning erection finally melting away taking my feeling of joy from the last eight hours right along with it.

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