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HFT the baby is here so far all is ok but that could change but I will keep messaging you updates as I can, but I need to tell you that the dragon is also flying over, and she does not know that you are the father or that your back in Em's life, so you need to keep your shit together. Prove them all wrong and be the father and support that the girls need you to be.

The first text from Freddie flashes on my screen, I have grabbed my phone switching it from flight mode as soon as we landed not waiting to have exited the plane instead needing to have news about Emme and the baby. I feel a bubble of confusion about why the dragon has no idea I am back in Emme's life nestling under my skin trying hard to mix with the rage that she does not know I am the father, why would she think I am not and if she doesn't know I am then who the fuck does she think is?

My phone vibrates in my hand as I drag my tired ass off the plane desperately needing to stay in front of everyone else not wanting to be stuck behind all these fellow passengers with all the time in the world to make it back to reality, my reality is in a hospital fifty miles away waiting for me to arrive, needing me to be the man I always vowed to be but continuously failed to end up.

I let my eyes read over the newest text my eyes blurring with unshed tears as I read it over a second time trying to take it in.

H there has been more news, the baby has an infection and has been put onto antibiotics they are trying hard to save it, but no guarantees can be made that it will survive because it is so tiny, you need to get here asap bro Emily is really struggling she keeps saying that the baby is going to die.

The baby is tiny and poorly, the baby could die.

Please god I never ask for anything but please do not take our baby from us.

I know I am a hypocrite for asking this of you after everything that I did at the beginning I know I wanted to kill baby boo, but I was in shock I was confused back then but now I love that little thing and I have not even met it yet. I need to get there I need to be with the mother of my child I need to get her to try and see some hope to see that our child can survive, and we can be a family, please if you exist save our child.

Each moment of the last few months is whirling around in my head as I wait for my luggage, how did I screw my life up this much? I mean I had it all, my career was going well I had a flat of my own and my heart was filled with the most mesmerising love, a love that I did not believe really existed before that perfect brunette came clumsily into my life four years ago. My cock was the only thing that led me through life back then, I was just a overly horny sixteen year old who had been stung by a bitch who had left me with a bitter taste in my mouth when it came to girls, never did I imagine that a pure country girl would be the one to turn my head so fast she left me with whiplash that just doesn't seem to ever want to heal, shit she still has me turning in a frenzy now, her tiny baby belly not stopping the attraction, I mean hell it made it worse it made me want to take her, to keep her safely tucked in my arms, I wanted to protect her once I saw her carrying my baby.

"Excuse me sir?" I lift my head to take in the bloke behind his desk waiting to accept my passport from me, checking that I am allowed into the country. I hand it over before I look behind me, how the hell did I get from luggage collection to passport control without evening registering my legs were moving? "welcome home" he cheerily says with a nod of his head handing me back my passport.

"Cheer's man" I grunt at him before I scoot of quickly to find my car.

A quick survey of the people waiting to supply lifts to my fellow arrivals has me frustrated, where the fuck is the car that mum said she had arranged, I check my watch it is half past six in the morning the exact time I said I would be here, with a huff I lift my phone checking to see if I missed any detail from mum when I hear a familiar voice "HFT over here" I turn on my heels finding my brother legging it in my direction my own feet picking up pace trying to meet him halfway at least as I wheel my cases alongside me "you alright bro?" Titan asks as he stops in front of me, his own set of luggage sitting clearly under his tired eyes just like mine.

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