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Sleep had evaded me all night and instead I had led on my bed with my ears trained on any noise coming from my little brothers' room not wanting to risk him leaving in the night to track down Emily and Brandon without me.

I had given up at four in the morning and crept my way down the corridor quietly popping the door to his room open, taking in vision of him on his old childhood double bed with Piper and Diesel snuggled up with him making the bed seem tiny with his lanky ass being engulfed by the massive fur ball that is Piper. I had startled as his eyes snapped towards me the focus on his face reminding me of the days when he would daydream over her and I am sure he is battling his memories of her being led there with him instead of their dogs being the only company he has.

Last night while he had showered with the hope that he would be so focused on getting some rest I had met up with Freddie in the squares garden in a desperate attempt to cover our tracks in the web of deceit we are all spinning around him.

We had hoped that he would miss the sound of barking from the gardens but as he had pointed out later on he had heard them when he had returned to his room from his shower and as he had cracked the window open in an attempt to get some air into the room because apparently it had a smell he didn't recognise which he claimed was because it hadn't been used in so long, but I am sure it's because Emily hadn't been in there leaving her scent behind but there was no point in telling him my thought with the mood he was in as I am carrying enough guilt without having not physically fight him or add anymore salt to his wounds.

The second the window opened he had knew the familiar barks and so once he realised I was missing from the house too he had decided to come and investigate the noise, but instead of being like everyone else and just coming out of the house he had stealthily opened the front door and headed down the stairs and across to the gardens where I was hiding out with Freddie trying to sort out the shit storm that was no doubt going to erupt later today.

I should have checked the dogs when they went off sniffing in the bushes but instead I needed to know how Emily was doing, I wanted to be sure that hiding her from Hero was the right thing to do, I mean if she is miserable or not coping maybe seeing him would help, hell it wouldn't make it worse but the response I got from Freddie was that she was doing amazingly well all things considering and Brandon as always was showing no fear when it came to my little brother, something he really should rethink especially when he is sick and plans to take on H over Emme, that is one thing that will never end well for either of them I am sure of it.

"Who the fuck do you two think you are were plotting to keep her from me?" he had shouted at me when I got him back into the house "And why the fuck would you think I would do something to upset her?" he had asked, I couldn't answer him I couldn't betray Emme, he is my brother and I love him but I couldn't do that to her not after everything he had put her through.

"Ok so maybe I will upset her, but you are making out like I am some sort of bloody psycho who wants to kill her, I mean why don't you want her stressed out? Is it because of her eating?" he was throwing so many questions at me "yeah I made her have an abortion, but she has moved on already so surely nothing I do can upset her that much?" and there it is the constant elephant in the room the abortion. I had opted to just shake my head at him and tell him he was over thinking it all, Em did not want anything to do with him, her heart had been broken and she was finally getting her life back on track and we did not want it all to blow up again, fuck I even went as low as to throw into the mix that Brandon was dying, and she did not need any more stress on top of that.

After everything they have been though never did I imagine that he would be holding their dog's captive to force her into facing him, to make her discuss whatever the fuck he thinks she has done since he created this colossal mess surrounding us all.

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