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Hey guys! I'm still taking requests for then name, gender, and number of kids! Go to my announcement to tell me, or just comment on this! Enjoy

For the past few days I have felt really sick, and I have puked a few times. I also have had strange cravings. What is happening to me?

I was hanging out with Mina when I puked again. "Hey are you ok? You just puked and your eating...that.." she said pointing at my bowl filled with chips, fruit, and peanut butter.

"I dont know. I have had strange cravings and I feel like I'm going to be sick a lot." I say, grabbing my stomach.  Mina suddenly gasps, making me jump.

She jumps up and runs to her bag. She comes back holding a stick. "Here, go to the bathroom and take this." She said, and I looked down. It was a pregnancy test.

At first I didnt notice, but then I realized. Why does this girl have a pregnancy test in her bag?! I look at her confused but shrug it off.

I enter the bathroom and come out a few minutes later. "And now we wait." I say, getting nervous. After a while I was thinking if they even wanted a kid, and then It was done.

I slowly looked down and saw it was positive. Tears fell down my face, happy and sad tears. I'm glad I get to bring a life into this world, but what if Ei and Kat didnt want one?!

Mina hugged me, and I hugged back. Soon the door opened with a huge group of boys enter, Kat and Ei leading.

When they saw me crying, they rushed over. I tired to hide the test, but Kat snatched it before I could. I started sobbing as he and the others looked at it.

"Your pregnant? Are you serious?! I get to be a dad?!" Kat yelled, tears forming at his eyes. Ei fell to the ground and was crying. They were happy? I was so nervous for nothing.

Mina let go so the boys could hug me. "I wonder how many we will hav, I want a boy!" Kat said, and Ei argued with him cause he wanted a girl. I didnt care, as long as it was mine.

Now came the hardest part. We had to tell my dad and Hitoshi. I knew Papa would be fine with it, but Dad is a bit more protective.

I remembered the day when he yelled at me and Hito cause we were both dating loud blondes. I replied by saying that he was married to Papa, and he just walked out. That day was awesome.

I'm going to be a dad! I hope it's a girl, but Kat wanted a boy. It did scare me though, when I walked in to Kay on the floor in tears. Now in on the floor crying, not very manly of me but still.

I got up and hugged her with Kat and then she looked up at us. "How will we tell our families?" (Imma just show  them saying it to Aizawas).

My eyes widened, how will we? Shinsou and Aizawa are very protective of her. I just hope I dont die.

She left to get dressed and we went to the car. We got a special car that has 2 passenger seats up front near the driver. Kay always sat in the middle, and Kat drives.

We headed to their house, and knocked on the door. We are going to tell Mic first and then the others so he can calm them down.

Lucky for us, Mic opened the door. "Hey kiddos! What's with the unexpected visit?" He asked, letting us in. We sat down, and Hitoshi walked down stairs. Oh no...

"Ok, so we have a suprise! I'm pregnant!" Kay says, smiling worriedly. Everything goes silent.

Hitoshi stood up and walked over to us. "I'm sorry, but what? You guys did what to my sister?!" He yelled, while Mic was squealing.

I laughed and Kat growled. "We fucked and hot her pregnant, what are you going to do about Sleep Deprivation?" Kat asked smirking.

Hitoshi now had Kat by the shirt collar. "I know that! But what I want to know is why I never knew about this?!" He yelled, and Kat got even madder.

By this point every living creature in this house has heard about jlthe pregnancy, which is why Aizawa came running into the room.

"I'm going to be a grandpa?!" He yelled and Mic got up to calm him down. I looked over at Kay to see that she was really stressed out.

"That's enough!" Everyone went silent." Yes we got Kay pregnant, and we didnt tell you cause it was going to be a surprise! Ok?!" I yelled.

Everyone was staring at me suprised, I mean I never really yell so that's probably why. Kat looked really proud, and everyone sat down.

"Wow, never expected that to come out of you Eijiro, I'm proud of you. But really, thank you for telling us. I'm very happy that you are the ones that are giving me a grandchild." Aizawa said with a satisfied face.

Kay smiled and hugged my arm, thanking me for stopping the commotion. We stayed over for dinner and spent the night.

My eyes wandered around Kay's old room. Posters of Bands, Shows, and even Heros filled the room. It was really cute and she even had a little lamp with flowers on it.

We lay on her king sized bad and snuggled up close. I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the soft snores coming from Kay.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Please give me ideas for the kids of the couple. Bye my weebs!

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