Halloween party!

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Hi guys! Thanks for over 400 reads. I really didnt think that I would get people to read this. Well, Halloween is just around the corner, so this is a Halloween special. I guess... enjoy!
Me and the girls were out shopping looking for good halloween costumes. I had an idea of being a villain or something. I found this long red dress and some black heels. I also grabbed black gloves and some makeup. This was going to be good.
When I got home, I had a few hours to get ready for the party at the dorms. We were all going to celebrate together, maybe invite 2b as well. I put the clothes on and grab the fake scar makeup I got. It took a while but it looked really good. I checked the time to see I had an hour to go. I put on red lipstick and black eyeshadow. I was ready. I walk out of my dorm and down the stairs. Music was already blasting and most people had arrived. Obviously all of 2a was there already according to how it was at our dorm. I saw Kiri as little red riding hood and Kit Kat as a wolf. I walked over and they blushed. I laughed and teased them, "Is it really that easy to make the big bad Katsuki to blush. I know Kiri is easy, but you, never expected that Kit Kat!" He growls as I pet him. I walk over to Mina, who was a witch. "Hey girl! Wow you really do look good!" She says, as she stares me up and down. We talk, but I soon feel eyes on me. I turn around and see Monama coming towards me. He was a businessman or something, but god  he looked formal. "Hey beautiful! Wow we almost match, both looking good. How about we get some food, huh cutie?" He asks, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer. I gasp, and Mina try's to get me out, but he pushes her away. "Hey! Let go of me! I'm taken alright! Stop touching me!" I yell, trying to get out of his grip. He laughs and swings me around, acting like we were dancing. "Playing hard to get I see, well that just wont do! Let's dance" he says, acting like everything was fine. When I yell again, that triggers 3 boys, 3 very protective boys.
I hear a yell ,and see Kayla and that creepy copycat from 2b. She is clearly uncomfortable, but the extra cant seem to tell. Me, Kiri, and Sleep deprived walk over, Kiri grabbing Kayla, and me grabbing Copycat. I hold him by his collar and glare at him. He glares back, and gets out of my grip. "What the hell do you think you're doing with OUR girl, you damn extra?!" I yell, pointing to myself and Eji. Copycat looks at me and is shocked. "She is dating the 2 of you?! How you Bakugou?! Who would even date you, AHAHAHA-" Copycat passed out, an orange haired girl picking him up. "Sorry about him. Are you ok Kayla?" She asks, handing him over to steel dude. Kayla nods in Ejis arms. I walk over to them and hug them. "Thank you guys. I was fine though, I could have done it myself. Also be careful so you dont rip my dress. Let's go get some snacks, im hungry." She says, smiling up at me. I roll my eyes and walk over to the food. There was a bunch of candy and other shit. And of course, just for Eji, protein bars. I grab 2 protein bars and a snickers for Kayla. I hand her the candy and Eji a protein bar.
I hear my favorite Halloween song and grab Mina and Ururaka to take them to the dance area. We moved the couches and put down special flooring so we could dance. I start swaying with the music, and soon get a crowd. I'm dancing with Denki and Izu soon, and Mina joins in. Soon the whole bottom squad are dancing with a crown cheering them on, me at the lead. I spin around and Danki dips me just as the song ends. We both laugh and he helps me up. My 2 boyfriends, again, are not very happy. Especially Kit Kat since I was dancing with Deku.  Soon the Haunted Hallway was ready. Iida and Momo were making it while everyone else was having fun. Me Kiri and Kit Kat go first, and me being the scaredy cat I am, didnt want to go. I got scared really easily, once Shinsou came up behind me and touched my shoulder and I jumped. Kiri picked me up bridal style and we walked in. He set me down when I couldn't turn back. Momo created a bunch of scary electrical items, and Iida had bought some more scary things. As I turn a corner, an electronic clown jumped out at me, making me scream and jump. Kiri hugged me and Kit Kat laughed. I punch his shoulder and make a pouty face. "Your so mean Katsu! Maybe you can go by yourself while me and Kiri stay together if your so tough!" I say, holding onto Kiri. He rolls his eyes and walks ahead. "Its really not that fucking scary!" He yells behind him, walking off. I hold Kiris hand and we continue. When we reached the end, we look behind to see the next group coming in. It was a really long hallway, so they had a way to go. I looked around for Kit Kat, only to see him in a chugging contest with TetsuTetsu. They were chugging soda, oh their poor throats. Kit Kat won, and when he saw me he smirked. I was confused, until I realized something. My dress had ripped when I jumped in the Hallway... it was now at my knees. "Aww giving me a little show for my victory baby?" He said slyly. I roll my eyes and walk over to the bottom squad.  We dance and eat the rest of the night, It was a blast.

Ok this was really fun to make. I wanted to do a Haunted house,  but they were In the dorms, so hunted hallway. Hope you enjoyed, bye my weebs! (Also give me ideas! Please!)

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