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Hey guys, I wanted to let you guys know that o have exams in the upcoming weeks so I won't really be able to update. I will try but I probably won't. Enjoy!

The boys all got drunk, not a good thing when there are 4 year olds in the same house as them. Why did Ei challenge Kat to a drinking battle?!

Kat was now sitting on top of a bunch of boys who were almost passed out, acting like he was a king. Ei on the other hand was in tears, curled up in a ball In the corner with Denki laughing his ass of next to him.

Hitoshi just sat there, mumbling and ranting on about random stuff. And this was the suprising thing, Iida was trying to get with the girls, and Sero was yelling at him. Iida was a pervert when he was drunk?!

Everything was chaotic, and the girls were trying to fix everything. I gathered all of them together and we came up with a plan. We would send Hagakure to protect the boys so they don't see her and get scared, Mina would be near the stairs to prevent anyone from going upstairs, and everyone else was assigned a boy.

I, obviously, was assigned Kat and Ei. I walked over to the "king", or Kat, and called for him. He looked down at me and smirked. He was on top of a lot of people, all stacked on a table so he was pretty high.

He jumped off and landed near me, wrapping his arm around my waist. "You will be my queen! We shall get married instantly!" He yelled. "But, we are already married..." "Then I shall marry you again!"

He blasted back to the top of the stack and sat me down. He laughed triumphantly, acting as if he accomplished the most challenging thing in the world. I rolled my eyes and hopped down.

"Will thy king please come down to escort me to my room?" I ask, trying to sound dramatic. He smirked and jumped down. Right as he landed, I smacked the back of his neck and he fell to the floor.

The girls stared at me, and I shrugged. Kendo's a great teacher for this stuff." I say, and I drag him to the couch. Next was Ei, and he was still crying in the corner. He looked a little dehydrated, so I had to act quick.

I walked over slowly, and whispered to him. "Hey baby, what's wrong. Your alright, everything's fine. Here, let me help you." I try to give him my hand, but he shrinks back.

I sigh, grab a glass of water, and hand it to him. "Please drink this, it will make you feel better." I say, and he listens. He takes a sip of it, and looks up at me. He stands up and I follow him, preparing myself.

Soon he falls to the ground, and before he hurts himself, I caught him. I carry him to the other couch and lie him down. Some other boys were near on the floor, some awake some passed out.

Then I hear a scream, and I came from upstairs. I sprint up there to see a purple pervert getting way to close to my kids. "MINETA YOU GET AWAY FROM MY SONS!!" I yell, and he stares blankly. "Thats....a boy?" He asks.

I nod and he almost gags. I grab him and punt him down the stairs onto the pile of people on the table. Hagakure was stuck with Minetas purple balls (that sound disgusting).

I free her with the help of Mina, and we calm down the boys. "That weird man was trying to do stuff to my brother, let me at him!" Tyrone yelled. I laugh, and grab James to rock him. He was in tears, and wouldn't stop.

Eventually his eyes started to close and he fell asleep on me. I set him down in his bed, and everyone was happy again. This was a long night, and now we have to deal with all the passed out boys. I just want to sleep....

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed, and again I may not be writing for a while because of exams, but I will try! Bye my weebs!

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