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Warning, this will contain some sort of gore, really just torture. You can skip if you want, I will do a brief summary of what happened next chapter.

I woke up to a bright light shining in my eye. After I got used to it I looked around to see Bakugou asleep, head laying on my bed. 'Am I in a hospital?' I thought,then I start to remember. I was fighing against that weird girl, then she stabbed me. I also remembered that hand guy screaming we got her. 'Wait, where is Kayla?! Oh no oh no oh no!' I start to panic, waking Bakubro up. "Hey hair for brains, calm down. It's good to see your ok. Calm down." He said, i could hear sadness in his voice. He then explained everything to me.
I woke restrained to a chair (the same one they used on Bakugou) surrounded by villains. I couldn't talk because I had a mask on, constantly spilling that smoke into my lungs. 'They are making sure I cant use my quirk. Are they that scared?' I thought, as Shigaraki came forward. He roughly grabbed my chin so I would be staring directly into his eyes. "Now, tell us everything you know about Ua and All Might before I lose my cool. And if you refuse, than I'll let Toga and Dabi deal with you." He said, a smirk growing on his face. I rolled my eyes and looked the other way. That angered him, so he got up and turned around, waving his hand. That was the signal for Dabi and Toga to start.
I felt a flame right at my side. I winced in pain, then felt a knife in my arm. I screamed and cried
That would leave a scar. Blood poured from the wound as she pulled her weapon out. "Start talking princess, or else we will just kill you, slowly." Dabi said, chuckling. I just growled and he took that as a sign to keep going. He created a flame and grabbed my arm, right were Toga cut, making my scream and cry in pain. They kept going, till I had so many cuts it looked like I fell in a pool of blood.
They put me back into my room filled with the strange gas. I went onto the bed and cried. Knowing it will only get worse. As I closed my eyes and started to drift of to sleep, my door was broken down with Dabi entering. He quickly put my mask on and dragged me outside, where a bunch of heros were and police. Two people caught my attention. A blonde and a red head where staring at me. I stared at them, fear in my eyes. Dabi then shoved me and I felt 4 fingers wrap around my neck. "Now, if you want to keep her alive, then I would suggest that you leave. I can easily disintegrate her, right here right now. I saw Kuroguri on the floor, passed out. 'Probrally Edge Shot' I thought, looking back at my 2 crushes. I then realised something. 'If I break my mask, then the gas would get everywhere, so Shigaraki would not be able to use his quirk (logic 100)'. Iused my hands that were in metal cuffs to smash my mask, the gas spilling out. Shigaraki was shocked and loosened his grip, giving me the opportunity to get out. I stomp on his foot, making hi release me. I then run to the blonde and the red head. The pros delt with the league as me ,and the 2 boys came together in a hug. I'm back, I'm home.

Hey sorry for reading, and also thanks for the few of you that actually read this. I want expecting any one to read it. Bye! Stay safe!

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