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I sneezed a lot this morning. "He little listener, you really are sneezing a lot, you alright?" My dad asked(mic). I just replied with a quick nod and a sneeze. "Aww, sis your sneeze is adorable! I cant wait till your 'boyfriends' see this, and the rest of the class. By the way, we need to go. Bye Pa! Hope you have a good day off!" Shinsou yelled. Pa is what me and Shinsou call mic sometimes. Dad is Aizawa, so we cant confuse the two. Dad got in the car with us and we drove to school. We had the weekend off to go home, so yeah. Once we arrived I saw my hot head and my shark. "Hey Guys! I missed you! Also I won the bet between if Todoroki would ask Deku out Kiri. Pay up~" I cooed. Just the week before me and Kiri made a bet, seeing if Todo would ask Deku out. And when I got a text from deku saying he did, I won the bet. "What?! He actually asked him! Dang, here is your 5 dollars then.." he said handing over the money. I snatched it triumphantly. Soon the bell rang and we raced to class. Katsuki won because of his quirk. "Hey Katsuki, how is King Explosion Murder doing anyway?" I asked, sitting down beside him. ( see Gifts to know who that is) He just tched and looked away. "The dogs a damn menace. But he is fucking cute I guess. " he replied. "Alright class, settle down. We have a guest joining us today. You can come in now Hawks." Dad said, waving for someone to enter. Soon the number 2 hero Hawks entered. "Heyo! You guys will be trading with me, alright! We will be battling, like the sports festival, but without the audience. Well, not as much of an audience if you include your classmates. Winner gets to fight me, unless that's what you all want to do. Who wants to fight me, huh?" He asked, looking over everybody. Most of the class raised there hands, including me.
It was finally my turn. I got in battle position, my scarf at the ready. "OO~ ErasureHeads daughter. What's your hero name?" Hawks asked, also ready to battle. "Erase, I'm Erase." I replied, grabbing my scarf. He then lunged at me, some feathers coming for me. I put my goggles on and activated my quirk. The thing is, my hair doesn't go up when I use my power like my dad. So he wasnt expecting it, when his feathers fell and I kicked him in the face. He stumbled back and groaned in pain. "Ha, nice what Chick Pea, but you'll have to do better than that." He remarked. I swung by my scarf to where I was behind him, and threw a punch. This time, he grabbed my hand and threw me over his shoulder onto the ground. I coughed up some spit and glared at him. He chucked and that's when I realized that my quirk had stopped. 'Dang it I blinked!' I thought as I was being pinned down then the ground. Hawks came over and helped me up. "Nice fight! You just need to keep up with that quirk of yours and you'll be ready to be a hero!" He said, smiling while shaking my hand. I looked over to see Katsuki and Kirishima grinning. I ran over to them and hugged them. After that I sneezed, completely shocking everyone. "Awww, that was adorable Kay! I never knew your sneeze was a cute as you!" Kiri said, laughing. I just blushed and looked away. Shinsou was smirking at me. That Jerk!

Ok thanks for reading. Idk if you guys can comment on this, but if you can, tell me what you want to see. Also 150 reads?! Wow. Thank you guys! Bye my Weebs!

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