Flight home

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Hey guys! Enjoy, and make sure to eat and drink enough today!

Today was the day, the day I didnt want to come. We had to fly home. On a stupid plane! James was obviously excited to go on it, but I wasn't. He was holding my hand, which I wasn't really happy about, as we got on it.

We sat down, and I was sitting right in between Papa and Mommy. Daddy was with James looking out the window. It was about a 4 hour flight is what Mommy said. I was on her lap, and she was playing with my hair.

"Hey Kid, you wanna take a peek outside? I will be right here, and there is a window in between you and the outside." Daddy said, his blonde hair shining from the sunlight. I was trembling, but I nodded yes. I wanted to be just like him, and I wasn't going to let some silly fear scare me.

He picked me up and sat me next to James. "Look TyTy! We are in the clouds!" He said smiling. I slowly looked out and saw a bunch of clouds surrounding us. I flinched, but kept looking.

That's when I noticed that it wasn't so bad. It looked really pretty from where we were, and I liked how the sky was orange and pink. The sun was setting. It was beautiful. I stared in amazement of the sight, and heard Daddy laugh.

"See Kiddo, it's not so bad! Do you like the view now? You don't get to see stuff like this everyday!" He said, and I nodded. He was right, you don't get to be in the clouds everyday. That's when I noticed that we were above the clouds.

I started laughing, loving every second of it. I looked back at Mommy, Daddy, and Papa, and saw them recording me. I glared at them as they started laughing. Just then, 2 'flight attendants' came up to us.

"Hi, are you Dynamight, Red Riot, and Erase?!" One asked, the other squealing. Daddy nodded, rolling his eyes, while Papa and Mommy laughed  and waved.

"Aww are those your kids?! They are so cute!" One said, looking at me directly. I decided to use those to my advantage, I was going to prove that I will be the best. James became shy again and hid behind Daddy.

"I am Tyrone! And I will be the best there has ever been!" I said, looking confident. They both squealed and smiled. I was doing it! I kept going, and I could here Daddy laugh. He was proud of me.

All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was James, and he was hiding behind me. "H-hello..." he said quietly. They both smiled and awed at him.

He shrunk down, but waved at the two girls. They squealed again, and I shrugged him off. I grabbed his hand and pulled him forward. "Don't worry James, just show them what your made of!" I said, and he flinched. I could tell he was scared because he was trembling.

Before he could do anything though, somebody came and started talking to them. They nodded and walked away, waving goodbye. I waved back, and then looked at James.

"James, why were you being such a baby?" I asked, and Mommy gasped. "Tyrone! Do not be mean to your brother, you know how he gets!" She said, and I looked down. "I- I'm sorry James...." I said, and I felt him hug me.

I say back down again, and then somebody came on the loud speaker. "Everybody please take a seat, we are about to land. Again, everybody please take a seat. Thank you!" And then it cut. I smiled as I felt the plane land and soon come to a stop. The flight was over.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Bye my weebs!

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