The Base

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We all met up a few days after the meeting at the police station. We headed out to the location of the base. It was early morning so we were hopeful not many people would be there.

We hid a little bit away and watched as someone walked into the building. We slowly approached the door, and I looked back at the others. I was in front with Kat and Ei, while the others were behind the police force.

I burst in and wrapped my scarf around one of the nearest villains. They started yelling and calling for back up. I swung him into another villain, knocking them both down.

Our plan was to cause a scene, and force them to bring out the big ones. We kept going until I heard giggling from behind me. I jumped away and looked back to see Toga with her knife. Shigaraki appeared next to her.

As Sero and Kaminari were fighting off more of the smaller ones, Mina rushed over to help. Ei and Kat were no where in sight, probably running off to find more of the big ones.

I went after Toga while Mina went after Shigaraki. I grabbed her knife and threw it, sliding it across the room. Just as I was about to attack, an orb of energy hit me in the shoulder. I yelled out in pain and looked over. There stood Kiro.

Kiro Amidashi
Quirk: Energy Orbs
He can send orbs of energy our of his hands, and also create a energy shield around him or somebody else to protect them. But, the more energy he uses, the less his body has.

I deactivate his quirk, and trap him with my scarf. "Hello again Erase. Pleasure seeing you again." He said, as if nothing was happening. "Cut the crap! How could you act like this even after everything you've done?!" I yell. I didn't want to belive that the man I once trusted, worked with, befriended even, was a villain.

He just smiled. That's all he did, was smile. As I was about to throw him, extreme pain shot through my body. I let go of the scarf and fell to the ground, screaming in pain. A little girl skipped over giggling. "Hila, didn't I tell you not to come out until we needed you?" Kiro said. She shrugged and laughed even more.

Hila Rackon
Quirk: Satan's Eye
If she looks at someone, she can create extreme pain anywhere in their body, and if she looks for a long enough time, she can set that place on fire. But if she blinks 5 times, it stops. It also has a downtime of 1 minute.

I look at her and activate my quirk, stopping the pain. I let out some deep breath before standing back up and grabbing my scarf. I see Toga start running at me with her knife, Kiro charging up a ball of energy, and the girl nmaes Hila blinking rapidly.

I dodge Togas knife and hit the back of her neck in a weak spot, making her fall unconscious. I deactivate Hila's quirk and wrap my scarf around Kiro. I throw him onto Hila, and wrap both of them together so they are restrained. I also cover up her eyes.

I then focus my attention on Shigaraki, who is still fighting Mina. I deactivate his quirk and tackle him. I hit his neck as well and knock him unconscious. Just as I was about to get up, a purple portal appeared beneath us and we fell in.

I scream from shock and look around. Kurogiri stood there with Compress. I gasp and get up as fast as possible. Mina then falls in as well, and jumps near me.

I hear a scream, one that sounded like Katsuki's. He and Ei run in and go straight to us. "Well this seems like a problem..." Conpress states. I quickly use my quirk on Kuroguri as Bakugou basically body slams Compress.

He beats him until Conpress fell unconscious. He got up and a police officer handcuffs Kuroguri. Luckily he had handcuffs that didn't allow quirks to be used. He head back and we see every villain being arrested.

I saw some trying to get away, so I told some people and we chased after them. After tackling them, we put them in handcuffs and put them with the rest. This base was down, yet I knew there was going to be much more to come.

Thanks for reading! Bye my weebs!

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