Toya's Mission

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Hey so this is like a chapter about Toyas mission. And, I'm sick...with possible covid! Yay...someone kill me. Anyway, enjoy!

I was walking around the forest searching for Gigantomachia, and I arrived at the place he was last spotted. It can't be that hard looking for a huge rock dude, can it?

When I was looking around his base area, I saw some notes. Guess he can write. I looked through them and saw a certain paragraph.

Goal: take down Deku agency. Kill Deku and Shouto and use heads as trophy.

After reading that I got pissed. No way am I going to let this peice of sh!t kill my younger brother! I felt flames rise off my skin. They shot everywhere making a forest fire start.

Unfortunately, a group of hikers were walking by and started screaming. They called someone, probably the heros, and started running. Just great, now I have to deal with them and Gigantomachia.

I stood there with the paper for a few minutes and then set it aflame. I walked through my fire, but was stopped by Erase. (This is where the scene from last chapter starts)


After I got away from her, I started walking up a mountain. If I wanted to spot him then may as well get to higher ground. It wasn't a bug mountain, and if anything just a big hill. Once I reached the top I looked around. I caught a glimpse of something moving. It was him!

He was walking straight towards the city! He would probably reach the agency before I even got over there! I really didn't want to do this, but I had no other choice. I grabbed my phone as I was sprinting down the hill.

"Heyo! This is Kiego, how may I assist you?" The voice said from the other line. "Hey chicken, it's me. I know you're retired and all, for some reason, but I could use your help. You know the villain Gigantomachia? I need to take him down, and he is trying to destroy Deku agency. I'm not really close to him, so I need you to slow him down." I say out of breath.

"Hey woah there, you okay burnt chicken nugget? You are lucky that the boys are at daycare for a few more hours. Alright I will head over and look for him. You just need to get there as fast as possible. It's been a few years since I last done this. See you there Dabi!" He says as he hung up.

I put my phone away and continued sprinting over to him. As I got closer to him, I say a flash of red near him. He was just entering the city, and Hawks was flying around him.

He looked back and saw me. He flew over and picked me up. "Hey there hot shot!" He said grinning. "Oh shut up." I say rolling my eyes. He sets me down and I create a huge circle of flames around Gigantomachia and me.

That made him made, according according how he tried smashing me into the ground. I rolled out of the way just in time for Hawks to cut part of his hand with a sword made of feathers.

Luckily that affected him, but not that much. And since he is made of rocks, fire won't do to much to him...we are so screwed. Right now is one of the only times I will ever wish for a hero like Deku to show up.

And as if somebody read my mind, a green flash of lighting came flying past me. Deku was now fighting Gigantomachia. This will be so much easier. As I was about to help with the fight, a scarf wrapped around me and pulled me away.

It was Erase. "Dabi, no, Toya. This is what your mission was, wasn't it? Thank you, but you need to rest. I can see you have over used your quirk. Shouto will take care of you for now." She said as she let me go.

Just then, my baby brother came over and grabbed my arm. "Sho-" "Shut it, I don't want to hear it." He cut me off. He was probably pissed at me. But, he hugged me. Even after all that I have done, he hugged me.

"I missed you so much Toya." He whispered while crying. I hugged back, and soon another pair of arms joined in. We looked over to see Hawks hugging us as well.

"Sorry I was just lonely. So, family reunion huh? Nice, anyway imma go over here." He said getting up and walking over to a wall. That stupid chicken....

Shouto started laughing, and I joined in. Then the ground started shaking and a loud thud was heard. We looked over and saw Gigantomachia unconscious and on the ground.

A helicopter landed and the chief of police walked out. He was the one who gave me the mission. He saw the "good" in me or whatever. He looked at me and nodded.  I nodded back to him went back to talking to Shouto. It was good to be back with him, and to have Gigantomachia gone.

Thanks for reading! I hope you are having a great day, and stay safe! I will keep you guys updated with my sickness because someone might care, idk. Bye my weebs!

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