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Hey guys! Hope you enjoy! Really kinda mad cause my gift for someone was a freaking calendar and not a poster😅. I want to die.....anyway enjoy!

It has been a few weeks since the engagement, and we have a decent amount of the wedding done, but that's not what this chapt- I mean this day is about! *Kayla has broke the 4th wall* I was preparing something for the boys. They were always so busy with hero work, so this would be there day off.

I grabbed blankets, pillows, beanbag chairs, and movies. We were going to have a movie night. I put the pillows and blankets on the beanbag chairs, and set the movies near the DVD player.

Then I headed out to the store. I knew that Ei loves Chocolate, and I know Katsu likes spicy stuff. So I grabbed a game called Burning Bliss. It was where some of them where normal chocolate, while others were extremely spicy.

I laughed, thinking about the reaction if Ei got a spicy one. When I was continuing to shop, I saw someone that looked familiar. Pink Hair and a lot of gadgets on her body....Hatsume! I was pretty good friends with her because she would always help me and my class with our hero outfits.

"Hey Hatsume!I havent seen you in a while!" I yell, running up to her. She turns around in shock, and drops her basket. "Kayla? Is that you?! Oh my god I havent see you in years!! Your ok, when did you wake up?!" She asks, hugging me.

I laugh and hug her back. "A few weeks ago. Also, I'm engaged!" I squeal, causing her to gasp. She smiles and starts fidgeting. "Who is it?! I bet it's that Kirishima kid and that Bakugou kid! I'm right arent I?" She states, and I nod.

"Hey mom, can I get this? Oh who's this?" A boy says, coming up from behind. I gasp this time, and look at her. "Oh sure Datsune. This is Kayla Aizawa, we were friends in High School. And no Kayla, he is not my real child. I take care of him alot because his parents passed away. He calls me mom, and I call him my son." She said, smiling a little.

I feel a little sad, but notice Datsune hugging her. I laugh, and then notice all her stuff on the floor. "Mom did you drop all your stuff again?! Stop being so clumsy!" Datsune said, picking up the items. I soon wave goodbye after noticing the time.

I rush to grab some sodas, and then some chips and popcorn. I check out a and get on the train to go home. When I sat down, I noticed some sketchy guys enter along with me.

I pay no mind, but keep my eyes on them. Shortly after the train started moving, they moved to. Most of them pulled out guns while the others had bags.

"Everyone put there hands up and give us everything you have!" The leader said, activating his quirk. He grew swords from his hands and got in a fighting position.

I didnt notice any one else with a quirk, so I grabbed my scarf and got ready. I noticed a man also getting up, and noticed he had a tail. Ojiro...

He pulled of his coat to show his normal marshal arts clothes and got ready. I used mine and used it on the leader, making the swords disappear. I wrapped my scarf around another, and made him collide with the leader.

People started shooting, but they had horrible aim. They reminded me of storm troopers. Ojiro hit another with his tail and then looked at me. We both nodded, and continued fighting.

I saw a woman with a hood on going for an old woman. She was trying to get a hostage! I wrapped my scarf around her and forced her back. She hit the wall hard, knocking her out. I was just trying to get home.

"Hey you! Call the police and let them know what's happening!" I yelled at a civilian, who quickly grabbed their phone and dialed 911.

I looked out to see that we were coming to a stop. And then I noticed that we weren't near the train station, but in the middle of a tunnel. They had stopped the railway!

The doors opened and we found even more bad guys, but this time they had quirks! Before I could do anything, I felt something hit the back of my neck. And then everything went black.

I opened my eyes to find myself tied to a pole. I looked around and noticed I was on top of the train station. "Well good morning pretty lady! As you can see, we have your little friend and all the civilians tied to a bomb over there. Now we are going to use you as bait to kill the number two hero, Dynamight!" A man yelled.

I flinched, and looked back. Ojiro was tied at the top, trying to escape his restraints. I looked back when I heard yelling and explosions. "You damn villains! Let her go and the others go!" Katsu yelled. I felt the floor underneath me tilt, and soon I was facing the ground.

I screamed from terror, but knew I couldn't do any thing to stop this. "Kayla!" Ei called, and I cried pit in return. To be serious, I had a major fear of heights. And me being about 400 feet of the ground with nothing to catch me was terrifying.

The villain laughed, and he showed a timer. "Surrender Dynamight and Red Riot, or your lady friend here and the others die!" He yelled, continuing to laugh like a psycho.

Before I could tell what had happened, the villain was taken out by a figure covered in green lightning. "Izuku!" I cried, trying to have him help me up. The pole raises back up and I'm safe on the roof.

Katsu and Ei joined us soon, and I ran into their arms. "Woah Kayla, didn't know you were so scared of heights!" Ei said, and I cried in his chest. He and Katsu hugged me tightly.

That's when I groceries! "Oh god dang it!" I yelled, causing the boys to jump. I run down the stairs and back to the train, where their sat my groceries.

The boys got the civilians down, a d were thanked and praised. I saw a few girls start to flirt with both Katsu and Ei, so I decided to step in.

I grabbed Ei and kissed him, and the  Katsu. While I did this, I showed them the engagement ring, which made them mad. They grumbled and walked off. "At least your safe and out of any troubles!" Ei said, and I smiled.

I picked up the groceries and headed home with them.

Thanks for reading! I did this in paragraphs, and I like it better. Bye my weebs!

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