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Hey guys! Sorry for the really late update! Hope you enjoy! Also this chapter has a lot of fluff and adorable baby James.

It had been over 3 months since Katsuki woke up. Both boys are learning how to walk, and are sort of making out words. We were going to visit Ei, who was still in his coma.

The doctors said that his heart stopped for a little while, so they had to run some tests. I haven't been allowed to visit until now. We get everything together and head out.

When we arrived, I got Tyrone and Kat got James. We walked in and signed in. "Hello Mrs.Bakugou, here to see Eijiro I presume?" She asks, typing in my information to the computer.

"Yes ma'am. I'm very excited to see him again." I reply, and Kat kisses my head. "Then let's go, thank you ma'am!" Kat says as he walks towards Ei's room.

When we opened the door, we saw something we didnt want to see. Some nurse was touching his abs and taking off her clothes! I was pissed..." HEY YOU BITCH! GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF OUR HUSBAND!" I yell, making her look up shocked.

"I-uh..." she stuttered as she put her clothes back on her body and ran out, running into the doctor while doing so. She apologized and ran off.

"Well that was a show." Kat said, laughing at my reaction. I looked at the boys to see Tyrone laughing his butt off and James looked terrified. Kat was clearly mad to, but I think how I reacted cheers him up.

"Yeah It was, thanks for getting rid of her." A voice behind us said. We gasped and looked behind us, to see him. Ei was awake...he woke up!

I started crying tears of Joy, making poor James even more worried. "N-no C-cwy!" He blurted out. James...just spoke! He was in tears, and kept saying that.

"Aww baby, I'm happy crying I'm okay!" I say, and he wrapped his little arms around my neck. He was so adorable.

"Daddy! Daddy daddy daddy daddy!" A other little voice yelled out. This time is was Tyrone. "Both of the boys said their first words!" Kat said, and  he handed Tyrone to Eijiro. Well, more like out him near him.

I kissed Ei, and then so did Kat. He was awake! This day was truly one to remeber! The doctor came in after collecting all his stuff that fell when the nurse ran into him. "Well good morning Eijiro. You woke up, that's a good sign!" He said, smiling.

Eijiro was confused, not knowing fully what he meant. "I've only been asleep for like, 5 hours maybe. You guys are always to emotional about stuff." He said.

"Eijiro...you were in a coma for like 4 months..." I say, looking away. That made his jaw drop. "I was gone...for that long?! I'm so sorry for not being able to support you and help you with the boys and everything!" He started going on about how unmanly that was of him a d everything. Yep, Eijiro Bakugou is back alright.

I set James down, and he walked over to Ei. That made Ei even more suprised. "They...they can walk now?" He asks quietly. He seemed upset, probably because he wasn't there to see a big part of the boy's life.

"Oh Eijiro, it's okay! This is actually the first time he really walked! And he walked to you! He is usually not the biggest fan of you!" I say, and his face lit up. He picked James up and they hugged. It was the cutest thing you have EVER seen!

The doctor went over a bunch of stuff and said that Ei would be allowed to leave in about a week or so. It was a out lunch time, so we went and got us some Katsudon. We put the boys apple flavored baby food and began eating together. I missed this, enjoying a meal with the whole family. I'm just glad Ei's back.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed, and I will try to update as much as possible. And also, I've been thinking about this. I wanna see some art of the kids. So if you guys want to you can draw them with the description below.

Black hair, short cause he is 1
Red eyes
Acts like Katsuki, very protective of his brother

Ash blonde hair with black streaks
Red eyes
Gets scared easily, loves his brother A LOT

If you guys want to, you can make fan art. I may show my friends who can draw to see if they will. You can message me through Wattpad or tell me through comments. And we will figure something out.

Bye my weebs!

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