Water Broke

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Hey guys! I just wanted to say thank you to Deku_cutiepie1234 for giving me the idea of the babys! You will see the results later in this chapter! Enjoy!

I was just sitting around watching the news when I felt a kick. It was one of the twins. I was going to have twins very shortly.

We were going to keep the genders a suprise until they were born. "Kat! Ei! They babys are kicking! I think they may be hungry, and I am! Can you guys get me some celery and applesauce!" I yelled.

I heard loud footsteps running around, and soon the 2 boys had come to hear their kids. When Ei put his head on my stomach, another kick came, and it hit him directly in the eye.

"Welp, found Katsukis kid, that's for sure!" He said laughing. I giggled, but then felt a sharp pain. I started gasping and felt liquid underneath me.

Both boys got up and started freaking out. "Kay what's wrong?!" Kat asked. I winced, and then looked up at them. "I think.....I think my water just broke!" I said, crying from the pain.

Ei was shocked, but picked me up and put me in the car. Kat got in and started driving as soon as Ei shut his door. We were lucky to have a hospital so close.

Ei called them and told them we were on the way with a woman in labor. When we arrived people were already waiting. A few reporters from the news were there to get a story out of this.

I was carried to an emergency room through a wheelchair and then got ready to give birth to my babys.

They forced us to wait in the main lobby for Kayla to be done. I wasnt happy, I needed to be there for her! A huge crowd of news reporters were gathered outside, being held off by some of the old extras from high school.

Deku and Pikachu ran in and asked us how she was. "How the fuck are we supposed to know?!" I yelled, feeling tears form. My voice started cracking because I was so worried.

I'm acting weak! I dont cry, that's not what the best heros do! I was snapped out of thought when a hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked up to see my Father-in-Law.

"I know, it's scary to go through this. I had to go through this when Kayla was born, sadly my wife didnt make it, but I still believed. Kayla will be fine." He said, and then my Papa-in-Law sat down next to me.

I looked over to see that Ei was bawling with Hitoshi. I took a deep breath and I pulled out my phone. I saw that the news about the babys being born got out, because it was already all over the internet.

Most of my old class was here now, and I closed my eyes. It's going to be a long while before I get to see her again.

*4 hours later*

I was woken up by a nurse, and they lead me and Ei to the room. I saw Kayla on the bed looking really tired and weak from giving birth. Atleast she is ok. They brought out two babys and gave one to me and the other to Ei.

"Congratulations, you two are the proud fathers of 2 baby boys!" She said, looking happy. I smirked at Ei, he owed me 20 bucks for the bet. I was really happy, until the one in my arms started squirming a lot. He fussed and wanted to get away from me. Definitely my child.

The other stayed peaceful and asleep until he started crying. Ei looked at me, and we switched. As soon as we did, both calmed down. "Y-you two can name them." Kayla said, and I smiled.

"James, mine will be James." I said, looking down at the calm one in my arms. "Tyrone will be mine!" Ei called, acting all manly even though you could very easily tell he was about to cry. "I like that, Tyrone and James....cute." Kay said, and she fell asleep.

"She will be able to leave in about an hour, just need to make sure they are healthy!" The nurse said, and took the boys from us. I feel asleep with Ei asleep on my shoulder.

Thanks for reading! I hope you are all ok with the babys names and genders! Thank you again Deku_cutiepie1234 for giving me the idea! Bye my weebs!

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