New Assistant?!

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Hey sorry for not updating like, at all for the past few months, I hav even super busy after school everyday with Color Guard and Football games. Enjoy!

Well this was interesting...right now I was seated in the cheif of police's office. He called me in for something urgent, and when I arrived I was rushed in here. Now I was all alone as the Cheif was talking to God knows who in the other room.

I looked at my phone to see my baby's, all for of them. Ei, Kat, James, and Ty. They have all grown up since the first time I have see them. I was going to hang out with them at the agency, until I was called in here. I then realized my costume had a hole in it. The arm had a nice rip straight down the middle. Great, I need to speak with my seamstress about that.

The door opens and the Cheif walks in, with Toya following behind him?! "Sorry for making you wait Erase, but let's get this started. Toya here needs a new job, and seeing how your agency was still being fixed, why not have him work there for you guys?" The cheif asked.

My eyes widened, and so did Toya's. "Wait what?! That's not what you said in the hallway!" He yelled, and then cheif smiled. "I said you were gonna get a new job, and thus here we are. Erase, meet your new employee. Also I called for you because I don't think your husband's would be to fond of him. Now off you go you two!" He said shooing us put of his office.

Before I could say anything, the door was shut. I sighed and began walking to the car. I had to be driven there by an escort because of the attack that happened. I looked behind me to see Toya hesitantly following. "Hey its alright, you will be fine. And I won't let Dynamight make you a slave or anything. You will be treated fairly. And I already have an idea for your job. How would you like to be my assistant?" I asked.

He got in the car and then answered, "Why would I be your assistant and not some useless person in an office doing paperwork?" I smiled. "Because I see your potential, and I know I can trust you after what you have done for me and the people of this city. I don't think a villain would save my children, and the city by taking down Gigantomachia. That's why you will be my assistant." I said as we started driving.

It was an awkward drive, but when we arrived some drama started. Kat was outside helping the renovations and also waiting for me. And boy was he upset when he saw Toya with me.

"What the hell is that burnt peice of-" He began before I cut him off. "Katsuki! Be nice to my assistant. Now, Toya I will show you around the agency. Follow me!" We walk in, leaving Kat behind.

Kayla walked towards the elevator getting ready to head up to the amin office, when a loud crash was heard behind her. She turned around to see someone pinning Toya to the ground. "Miss are you alright?! There was a villain right behind you!" They yelled. Kayla used her scarf and pulled Toya out from under them.

"That's my assistant that you just pinned. Now if you would excuse me, I have to show my assistant here around." She stated as calmly as possible. Everyone was dead silent now, and they were all staring at the two.

Kayla got into the elevator, Toya joining her right after. The door closes and she sighs. "Sorry about that, they still have to get used to you, if that makes sense."  She apologized and he just nods. The elevator then opens up to the main office, where Eijiro was doing some paper work.

"Hey Ei! I want you to meet my new assistant!" Kayla says cheerfully. Eijiro looked up and gasped. "That's your new assistant?! Dabi is yo-" "It's Toya, Toya Todoroki...." Silence fell on the group.

Kayla cleared her throat. "Well Toya, welcome to the office. My desk is over here and your's will be right next mine. According to how you are now my assistant I need you by my side." She says, and he nods.

Before Kayla could continue, someone bursts into the room. "Heyo! I work here now, and blnobody can stop me!" Hawks said. It went dead silent, but Hawks had this huge grin on his face. "What? I thought you retired or something you stupid chicken?!" Toya questioned. "Hey its burnt boy! What are you doing here?! And yeah I did retire but I came back after the fight a few days ago!" Hawks said with a huge smile on his face.

Dabi rolled his eyes. "Well that doesn't explain why you are barging into the office like this?" He asked.  "Because I'm here to talk to my boss, according to how I'm Red Riots assistant." Hawks stated. Kayla's eyes went wide. "Wait your hired Hawks as your assistant?" She asked, and Eijiro nodded.

She noticed how stressed he looked and kicked the two boys out. She walked over and hugged him. "Hye sweetie, I think you need to take a break. I will take over for you, it's just simple paper work and we did this job together." He nodded and stood up.

As soon as he started walking he almost fell. Kayla ran over and helped him up. "See, you need sleep. You probably haven't had any sleep in a while. Go to sleep in the empty office. There is a couch in there. I'll help you over there." She grabbed him under the arm as he waddled over.

When they opened the door, Hawks and Toya were in there. "I don't give a damn what you say, I'm not doing that!" Toya yelled. "Come on, it will be fun! And it would be a nice suprise for everyone. C'mon love!" Hawks replied. Kayla stopped in her tracks. Love?!

"The hell did you just call me?!" Toya exclaimed (I feel like I write these dislodge endings way to much...) while throwing a punch. Hawks dodged and laughed. "Okay what the hell is going on here?!" Kayla asked while laying Eijiro down.

Both boys stopped and looked at her. She glared at them and dragged them out. "Now explain, what is going on between you two?! And why the heck did you call him love Hawks?!" Hawks smirked and Toya groaned.

"Well remember when I was a double agent at the LOV. Well when I worked there, I met Dabi over here. And we dated for a good while in secret. Then he broke up with me because I left the LOV, but now I want him back. That simple!" Hawks said with a huge grin on his face.

"I guess that is true, and also if I'm going to be a hero, then I guess my hero name can be Dabi, according to how most people are gonna call me that anyway...." Dabi whispered. She nodded and walked back to her office.

Katsuki was waiting in there for her. "So you hired him as your assistant and didn't even bother telling me?" He asked. Kayla sighed, "Well I didn't know that I would be getting a new assistant until this morning. The Cheif said that he needed me to have him work at our agency and so I decided to make him my assistant. I trust him and so should you. He saved our children from one of the villains, do you really think a bad person would do that?" She stated, and he rolled his eyes.

Kayla laughed and hugged her husband, when the door burst open. "Mommy, Daddy's! We're back!" James screamed while running in, Tyrone following behind him. "Hey guys! How was preschool?" She asked, and they smiled. They explained all the fun they had, the crafts they did, and how they saved a kid from the older kids again.

Dabi walked back in, and looked down at the kids. "Woah, you have such a messed up face!" Tytone laughed and pointed. "Are these seriously the same kids that I saved years ago? Wow they are really like their parents...." He said, and Kayla agreed.

"Ty, be nice to the man! He is my assistant and friend. He, uh, helped us out when you guys were baby's. Now, how about we go get a snack from the vending machine?!" She said, and both boys started jumping in excitement. They walked out, leaving Katsuki and Dabi alone....

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed, and I apologize for not uploading in a while! I have been busy and have had writers block. But here is a longer chapter! Bye my weebs!

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