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No this is not the power couple having a sleepover, it is all the girls having a sleepover. Enjoy!
The girls had planned a sleepover that was tonight. It was going to be held in my dorm, and there will be music, games, and food. All the girls from 1a were attending, and we even asked the 1b girls to join. They kindly refused, saying that tonight they were training with their boys. We wished them well and got ready for the night. The only problem, was that the boys wanted to join. "Come on Kayla and Ashido, let us join! It would be fun!" Kaminari complained, begging us to let them in. "Sorry, but if yall join, the others will want to aswell. And I am not having a bunch of boys in my dorm, especially that little perv. Sorry, you can have a sleepover with the boys (Saturdays are for the boys, even tho I a female I understand that) if you want to." I said,patting his shoulder. He pouted and walked over to the Bakusquad boys. Wow that was sad.
Kaminari walked over to us with a pout on his face. "Hey bro, what's wrong? You seem down." I said, letting go of Katsuki's hand to put it on his shoulder. "The girls are all having a sleepover in Kaylas sorm and they aren't inviting us! We are getting into that sleepover!" He whisper yelled. A few other boys joined and started working on a plan. "Ummm, I think we should just let them have some privacy. What if we have our own and leave them alone?" I asked, hoping they agreed. They just stared at me and continued their plan. Katsuki joined them shortly, a wicked grin on his face. "Get your ass over here Ejirou. This is our chance to see Kaylas dorm room. Dont fucking screw this shit up for us." He said, waving his hand over. I just groaned and joine them. By the end of class, our plan was done.
Once school was out, I walked to the dorms with the girls. Suddenly, I heard Katsuki call out to me. "Oi! Kayla, you usually walk with me and Shitty hair. Why aren't you today? Are you fucking anything from us?!" He yelled, stooping the whole group. "Oh,
I'm walking with the girls today. Sorry, I will walk with you guys tommorow. Love you!" I replied, smiling back at the two boys. Kiri just frowned and Bakugou 'tched'. I waved goodbye as the girls dragged me away. That's when it hit me. How are all the girls going to fit in one dorm room?! "Hey, did you ever think about how all the girls will fit in my dorm?" I asked to no one in particular. "Oh some girls cant make it actually. Only me, momo, jirou, hagakure, and Ururaka will be there." Ashido replied, smiling. Once we arrived, it was time for the movies until dinner. Then we would play games and dance to music. We first watched Hamilton (HeLpLeSs, sorry I had to) and sang along to that, and then we put on a bunch of disney movies. We were having fun so much fun, but little did we know that there was a bunch of boys behind the door, ready to burst.
We were outside Kaylas door, and I through in an Axe bomb (a can of Axe deodorant with the sprayer tied down with something to make it continuously spray). The girls started coughing and ran to the exit. When they ran out, we jumped out and scared them half to death. Well, everyone except a very angry Kayla. "You idiots! Now my room is going to smell like that for ever." She yelled. I started laughing and smirked. "What, dont want your room smelling like Shitty hair? We used his fucking deodorant for a reason. We aren't that fucking cruel, dumbass." I said, grabbing her by her waist. She just blushed, and blushed even more when Ejirou came and grabbed her form behind. The girls started squealing like fucking pigs, and the guys just laughed. "Well looks like we will have the sleepover in the living room. Jeez, you guys are no fun." Kayla said, crossing her arms. We went downstairs and watched a few movies, Kayla on my lap and Ejirou on my shoulder both asleep. I fell asleep aswell, but woke up to a flash. Raccoon Eyes took a picture of all of us. I was to tired to do anything, so I just fell back asleep. I wouldn't forget that though. When I wake up she is dead. We stayed like that for the rest of the night.

Ok, thanks for reading. Also I wanted to say that it will be rare, like REALLY RARE, for me to do lemons. I might do like, touching and stuff, but we will see. Bye my Weebs!

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