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Portaling us home, I park the car in the garage and portal us to our room. After a quick shower, I help him pack, and by pack I mean I just end up sitting on the little ottoman and watching as he throws things into a duffle bag. 

"What's the mission?" I ask shifting to lie on the fluffy white carpet staring up at the chandelier. 

"Hmm? Oh, I'm not completely sure, he did explain the mission to us but my thoughts were elsewhere," He shifts his gaze to me with a sly smirk. I have a fair idea of what clouded his mind, and it went exactly as he planned. Sly pervert, but I love him. 

"The renovators should be starting on our rooms soon. If they do plan to do it while you're gone E and I'll just crash with the kids for a few nights or something," 

"Isn't that a bit suspicious? Renovating the master bedrooms when neither Illumi nor I am here?"

"You say that like I'm not afraid to cut a bitch that comes in my personal space," I shrug. He just chuckles. 

"Ready to go to bed?" He's now standing behind my head looking down at me. 

"Don't know, I like my view," I smile up at him admiring him from below. His grey sweatpants hung low on his hips, his chest still glistening with water droplets from the shower we took not too long ago.  

"Come here," He stretches his hands down to me in a crossed form, pulling me up and spinning me in the process causing me to giggle. We climb into bed, the clown pulling me into him. "What made you like cars?" He mumbles into my hair.

"Dad did, well, he introduced me to it and I fell in love with it," Snuggling deeper into his chest, it starts to hit me, exactly how much I really miss dad. Sighing heavily into his chest, Hisoka strokes my hair while his other arm tightens around me. He kisses the top of my head silently reassuring me that it's okay. 

Day comes much sooner than I'd like, almost 2 pm no less. Means I have to say goodbye to Hisoka soon, even though it's only for a month. Feeling around the bed for his body, I roll over and climb onto his torso snuggling into his neck wrapping my arms around him. 

"I have to go soon you know," Ah, the morning husky raspy voice. I'll never get tired of hearing it. 

"No you don't, why would you lie like that?" He chuckles and wraps his arms around me tightly. 

"Are you planning to let me go?" He mumbles into my hair.

"Never," He sighs and kisses the top of my head. 

"Do you want to go get lunch before I leave?" I simply nod as I can feel my eyes getting heavier. 

We end up stopping at a burger drive-through and head to our spot on the mountain close to home. Lying in the trunk of the jeep, we watch as the clouds drift over the busy city in the distance enjoying the comforting silence between us. 

Time flies past us and before we know it, we're back home in the backyard waiting on Illumi to come down. Hisoka's sitting by the bar while I'm standing not too far away from him. 

"I swear he takes longer than any girl to get ready," I sigh putting my hands on my hips. Before another word can come out my mouth, I'm violently pulled back into Hisoka's body, his arms draping around my waist spinning me around to face him. Wrapping my arms around his torso, his hands cup my face tilting it up to meet his gaze. 

"Maybe he's giving Eva a farewell gift," He smirks evilly down at me. 

"Firstly, gross why put that image of my brother in my head? And secondly, you're only gone for a month, you're not going to war. You can always call," I giggle as his hands move down my shoulders to my sides, his fingers tracing up and down my sides gently tickling me.

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now