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"After I left the circus, I wandered around town for a while, then I found Mrs. Kaliaa," He turns to me with a smile on his face.

"He helped me carry my bags back to my house and since then I took care of him, he helped me out as well, then he left not too long after, but he would still make sure to send me letters and money to get by. You see, I lost my job a few years back and almost lost my house as well. Thanks to Hisoka I was able to keep it," My heart melts from this new information. He really is a softie under all that makeup. "He told me about this pretty girl he met, and how she tried to kill him a few times," Oh, I wonder who that could be... "I'm glad to see things worked out," She smiles mischievously. My cheeks start to turn red from embarrassment. "Ah, would you look at the time, I need to head out for a while, you kids feel free to roam around. Hisoka, your room's still in the same way you left if you want to show your lovely girlfriend what you were like before," She gets up and grabs her coat before leaving the house.

"This is your hometown, isn't it," I turn to him with a smile on my face. His smile grows wider.

"It is," He gets up and pulls me towards the mantel. Sure enough, it's him and the old lady who looks a lot younger. I never knew how much I wanted to see a teenage Hisoka until I was staring at it.

"Was there ever a time you weren't fine?" C'MON MAN. HE LOOKS SO GOOD AS A TEEN. IT'S NOT FAIR. He just laughs.

"C'mon, we still have my bedroom to see," He takes my hand in his and pulls me down the hallway and up the stairs to the room at the end of the hall. It's kinda what I was expecting honestly. Magician posters everywhere, magician books on the shelves, and a lot of other random things. He walks over to the queen bed with a card blanket on it, and lies on it, motioning me to come over. He pulls me down to lie next to him, his arm around my neck playing with strands of my hair.

"You big softie, you brought me here to show me your past didn't you," Looking up into those golden orbs I love, they seem to have a new kind of sparkle to them. Come to think of it, that wall that was there the first time we met seems to have vanished. At least to me.

"It was about time, besides, I was thinking I could show you around the town. We could go watch a movie in the theatre, just stroll around a bit, anything you want to do," Cupping his face with one of my hands, I graze my thumb along his cheek.

"Let's do all of it. Why just do one?" A smile grows on his face, mirroring onto me. He leans over and kisses me softly.

Since the city is small, we ended up just grabbing our jackets from the jeep and walking to the cinema. A few people give us the side-eye, but it could matter less to us. He gets us tickets while I get us snacks. He just wanted a small popcorn and a soda while I just bought a bag of sour gummies and water. As for what movie we decided on, well as far as I know it's supposed to be some kind of action movie, but I got bored so I've started subtly and discreetly running my fingers along Hisoka's torso, 'accidentally' coming down to his crotch before moving my hand before I could cause any real damage. He put the armrest up so that I could put my head on his chest, so this is his fault.

"If you continue this, you'll regret it later," He whispers in my ear. There's no one else around us, the five rows in front of us are empty and we're at the far back, no one can see us unless they turn their head a full 180.

"If I continue, you just need to keep your voice down baby," I taunt mischievously. His eyes go wide with my words. Placing my hand directly over his crotch, I move my hand back and forth feeling as he hardens under my touch. He sucks in his breath sharply. Oh, how I'm going to enjoy this.

Slowly unbuckling his belt, I take my sweet time undoing the button and zipper as his length continues to strain against his jeans tormenting him. I mean, he wears sweatpants most of the time for a reason. I'm just exploiting that reason. Slowly pulling down his boxers, his dick springs up immediately causing him to suck his teeth harshly. Look at that, he's already dripping precum. A lot of it too. Spreading it over the tip with my thumb, I move my hand along his entire length. His face turns red trying to muffle the moans. I won't lie, I want to hear him moan out. Guess I better do what I can to make sure he slips up. moving from my seat, I kneel on the floor in between his thighs. He's always joked about me giving him a blowjob, so why not finally give him one?

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now