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And why again can't I tag along with you?" Hisoka pouts as he watches me pack for my mission in Tokyo. 

"Because I'm going with Eva," I sigh looking for my bomber jacket. "And plus, taking too many people could cause suspicion," He sighs

"You seemed quite uneasy last night, something bothering you?" My conversation with Athena comes whirling back to me. 

"Nothing really, just an unusual conversation with Athena about the dragon lands. I honestly don't wanna go back but, I have to face the demon that's haunting me all these years, and I don't mean Illumi," I sigh staring at him through the mirror from on the floor. He watches me intently from on the table where he's sitting with one leg resting on the edge of the table with an arm slung over his knee.

"You'll be fine, I know it," He answers. 

Yeah, I don't know about that. The only reason I escaped the chains of the darkness was that the wolf demon thing said that it wasn't my time yet and helped me. Whatever he's doing to me is slowly eating at my consciousness tormenting me with fears of hurting the people I love most or losing them. Seeing that I've slowly turned more murderous since then, his plan is working out just fine.

Sometimes I wonder if this love thing is just a cruel curse put on me. The more people I love, the higher the chances of one of them leaving me. It's beyond heinous in every way possible. I could only imagine how Athena felt watching her entire country fall before her eyes, her friends, her family, everyone around her. 

"Whatever comes our way we'll take care of it. It's what we do after all isn't it?" He sends a closed eye grin at me through the mirror. 

"Yeah, you're right," I'm sorry clown, but I can't afford to lose you in this life too. I won't allow you or anyone else I love to lose their life because of me. 

"When do you leave?" He asks breaking me from my trance. 

"Your birthday's tomorrow so we'll leave the day after. Speaking of," Pulling out my phone from my pocket to check it before putting it back, I get up from the floor and stand between his legs resting my hands on his thighs to stretch up to kiss him. "Happy birthday baby," I smirk breaking the kiss momentarily. He reaches down and reconnects our lips cupping my face in his hands. 

"Is it that late already? Guess we better go to bed," He chuckles with his head pressed against mines. 

"We should, we'll need the energy for tom- today's events," I smirk looking into his eyes.  

"Oh? What do you have planned?" His hands rake up and down my sides tickling me.

"Guess you'll just have to wait and see," Putting my duffle bag behind him, I throw in a few other small items and zip it up before Hisoka slings me over his shoulder to carry me to bed. I swear he thinks I'll just not come to bed or something. I mean if I was in my office then it'd be a challenge to get me out of there but still..sigh. Still though, I love him. 


"Would it be too much to ask not to be left alone with the pillow when I wake up?" He mumbles into my ear lowly while wrapping his arms around my waist causing me to jump. It's a little after noon and I don't think anyone else has woken up yet. It's not uncommon for the people of this household

"You're aware I could have hit you with a very hot pan of omelets right?" I scold him. He just chuckles as he starts kissing my neck and jaw. "Your fruit bowl is in the fridge and there's strawberry waffles on the island. All of your favorites," I smile resting my head against his shoulder to look up at him. 

"Oh? I get a special birthday breakfast? If that was your plan I could have saved you the effort since I could have easily had my breakfast in bed," He smirks at me. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now