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Walking downstairs to the living room, Eva rakes her eyes up and down both of us with a smile on her face before shifting her gaze back to the tv. The girls are lying on the floor with cushions under them watching tv.

"Where's Lumi?" I ask

"He's in the kitchen making dinner, why don't you go help him Hisoka?" She chirps with a devious smile. She's definitely up to something. He plants a kiss on my cheek then turns on his heels to head to the kitchen. Taking a glass of scotch from the little bar cart, I sit next to Eva, pulling out my phone to idly scroll through it. 

"Soo, I gotta ask," She spurs out soft enough so that only I can hear. Cocking my brow at her, I bring my drink to my lips letting the burn of the scotch do its thing. 

"Does the carpet match the drapes?" What's so bad about that?

"I think so, the drapes are a deep navy blue and the carpet is white, it doesn't match as in the same color but it-" She starts giggling cutting me off before whispering in my ear what she actually meant. The scotch came back up through my nose, burning my nasal passage. "I honestly have no clue, it's always bare," I mumble to her. Now that she's asked it, my interest is peaked. He always has his pubic area shaved so whether it matches the drapes or not is unknown to me. 

Nothing eventful happened at dinner, it was mainly an awkward yet somewhat comfortable silence between everyone sitting at the coffee table while a cartoon played on the tv. What is there to say honestly? We can't really talk about anything we would normally do because of Miz- I mean Reya. I'm still not over that. I mean seriously. What is my life anymore?!

"Girls, would you by any chance have the faintest idea of how I can control Kai's abilities?" Both of them just stare at me as if I've grown a second head.

"You mean you haven't completely mastered all of them?" Athena says in disbelief. 

"It's not like I had time or help in the matter. You do remember even though I may have been a celestial in my other life, in this life I'm a human with new abilities I know nothing of," They both look at each other, no doubt an idea swirling in their minds. 

"How about we train you tomorrow," As much as I appreciate the offer, the wide closed-eyed smiles on their faces scare me just a little bit. 

"I feel like this is a bad idea, but I guess beggars can't be choosers," I sigh in defeat. If the troupe is really after Hisoka, I need to be at my best to even stand a chance against Chrollo. No way in hell am I taking even the smallest risk when coming to him. He can more than defend himself and fight back, I'm just there to completely wipe them out from existence. I know I made friends with them, but you don't mess with the people I love. While that list of people maybe just over the amount I'm able to count on my hands, mess with any of them and you won't even know you died until you're playing with Hades in the afterlife.  

"Then it's settled, tomorrow, we'll train all day until you master at least 2 of his abilities," Wait what? 

"How many are there?" Illumi asks before I can.

"Five," They both say in unison. 

"And what exactly are your abilities?" Hisoka adds. 

"Athena was the goddess of wisdom war and crafts, it's safe to say I live up to her name. After all, she did tutor me in her ways," All of us halt in our actions letting what she said sink in

"Athena, the goddess of Greek mythology, tutored you?"

"You were best friends with her and she was honored to have me named after her, so she trained me most of the time in her ways," I- huh? Nani?! My brain feels like Gon's when people start explaining big numbers to him. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now