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Worse sleep ever. I barely even closed my eyes and it was already morning. I wasn't the only one fidgeting all night. Seemed like he couldn't sleep either.  I'm not going to stay here any longer than I have to. I get out of bed and take the elevator to the kitchen leaving him in bed.

"Rough night sis?" Swear to god I will put him on a thread and use him as a kite. He and Eva are sitting behind the island eating breakfast together alone. This house is awfully quiet and it's suspicious. 

"Not in the mood for your bullshit brother," I groan taking one of the iced coffees from the fridge. 

"You two were fighting again last night weren't you?" E says softly.

"Well E, when your boyfriend wants to risk his life against someone who killed him already and not take the one piece of assurance you want so that he would come back to you, a problem arises," The glass bottle of iced coffee shatters in my hand from squeezing it. Thank goodness the girls aren't here. Speaking of, "Where are the girls?" 

"Still asleep, they were up all night watching videos on the tablets I gave them," He gave them tablets?

"You bought tablets.. for them?" I know I didn't, and Eva was with us all day yesterday, the only person who wasn't around was him

"While you were training I went out and bought them some things yes," He's such a good uncle. He's handling this situation better than me who doesn't even know how to begin handling it 

"Careful brother, Eva might turn you into a dad," I tease them. Eva's face starts to go red. It's cute. In all honesty, once he isn't gonna train the kid to be like us, he'd be a great dad. And I'd be the cool irresponsible aunt that gets us in trouble but also bails us out of trouble. 

"Your hand's bleeding," Illumi points out. Sure enough, looking down at my hand it's dripping onto the floor with the spilled coffee. He tosses me the paper towels and I stop the bleeding as best I can for now. Guess I better start cleaning this up.

"Oh, Hisoka. you're heading out? Don't you want breakfast?" I'm down behind the island so he can't see me. Of course he's leaving. What was I expecting? That he stay home and apologize?! Not the Hisoka I know. He would apologize, but that's all. 

"Oh? No, I'm good thanks, I'll be back late tonight, don't wait up for me," He chirps as if nothing's wrong. I should give him props. You wouldn't be able to tell he's sleep-deprived. 

"Aren't you gonna tell (Y/n) you're leaving?" Eva, if you weren't so cute I'd cut your head off. 

"I left a note," His footsteps start moving again, getting fainter and fainter until the front door closes. 

"You're not going to see that note until you finish clean up that mess and your hand," Stupid Illumi. I finish clean up and use my healing card on my hand. Back in my room, I look over to the nightstand where sure enough there's a note. 

I don't like fighting with you, meet me at the abandoned church outside the city at nightfall, I love you  ~Hisoka❤

Stupid asshole giving me butterflies when I'm trying to stay mad at him. What could he possibly be planning to have me do in that old abandoned- oh. I get it. It's only after 1 in the afternoon so maybe I'll just do some more training with the threads until then. 

"Hey mom, can we go shopping in town today?" Snapping my head towards the door, Reya's standing there with the widest smile on her face. I don't think I'll ever get used to hearing them call me mom and KNOW I'm actually their mom. 

"Uhh, sure sweetie, just let me go shower and change and I'll come get you and Athena and we can head out," She runs back down the hall and to the elevator. Might as well go take a shower. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now