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After standing under the shower for a while letting everything wash off of me, I finally change into some black leggings, grab some sneakers, and a grey sleeveless crop hoodie adding my usual training fingerless gloves on, and compose myself so no one would ask questions. He must have already left since I heard him come in and leave while I've been in the shower. I've been in here a while, so it should be safe to go down. 

That must have been the first fight we've had. I don't like it. There's a heavy feeling in my chest that won't go away and it hurts. Please let nothing happen to him. Please whoever controls the universe. I'm not letting history repeat itself. If he dies this time, it'll be with me. Not before and not after. I portal into the kitchen for a smoothie, to my surprise, there's one already on the island.

 "You always drink a smoothie before training because it's light and gives you enough energy, so drink up, your kids are waiting." Illumi's voice spooks me from behind. He's washing up the things he used to make the smoothie for me. Reason number 499 why I love him. He's actually wearing his hair up for once, Eva must have put it up for him since he always has trouble putting it into a neat bun. He's in his tank top and sweatpants, a look I haven't seen on him since he was a teenager. Taking the one sitting in front of me, I hop onto the island and drink it with my feet swaying under me. "Hisoka just left, he seemed unsettled," I just nod. What am I supposed to say? "You two fought, didn't you?" Lumi hops onto the island next to me. I just nod again, staring outside through the glass wall onto the garden. "Eva said she felt the ground shaking a bit, and I did hear yelling from my room," Oh shit. He was in his room. 

"You heard everything didn't you?" I ask keeping my gaze fixed outside.

"Yes, I'm surprised they didn't hear you downstairs as well, then again they were engrossed by the tv that Eva had playing at a loud volume," He told her. She did it on purpose so the girls wouldn't hear me.

"What was I supposed to do Lu? Keep him chained in the basement? That would be selfish of me. Besides, I knew the kind of person he was, to begin with, yet-" 

"Oh shut up, you can't live without him and he can't live without you. He doesn't show his feelings like you do because he doesn't know how to express it. He won't admit it, but it bothers him that you and Kai shared a life together, now he's in your head. Does he even know what happened between you two when you were mad at him?" This would probably be one of the few times Illumi has been so vocal. 

"Technically, all that happened was we made out. Nothing more. And yes, he does know that. I told him right after because I felt guilty for it- oh, I see" This is all my fault, I didn't take his feelings into account. He told me he was okay with it and I should have known better to know he was lying. Fuck. "Should I go after him?" 

"No, give him time to cool off, he'll come back," Then why is there an uneasy feeling in my stomach. "I'll make you a deal, master one of Kai's abilities today and if Hisoka's not back by sunset, I'll go with you to look for him," Hopping down from the counter, I hug the white wall tightly. He wraps his arms around my neck and puts his chin on my head. "Go, the more time you waste the longer until we could leave," He lets go of me. I nod at him and leave to go to the backyard where Athena, Eva, and Reya are playing with Mike. 

"Okay, I'm here," They all turn around to me. Eva sends me a sympathetic smile and I return it with a genuine one. "E, you wanna stay with us?" She nods and goes to sit on one of sofa's in the cabana

"Before we start, you should talk to Dad first, he knows all 5 of the abilities, we only know 3. He'll better be able to explain things to you," Athena comes up behind me with Reya trailing behind her. She does have a point. 

"Fine, I gotta kick his ass anyway," Plopping down onto the grass beneath me, I focus my mind on him and that mansion he built in my head. "Alright, where's the asshole," I yell marching to the backyard since it is where he was last time. "KAI?! GET OUT HERE YOU ASHY ASS SNOW HEADED BITCH!" Spotting him sunbathing near the pool, I throw a few of my cards at him purposely missing by a hair. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now