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Hello my loves. If you want an XReader for your own character, feel free to comment. In addition, I'm currently working on a new series inspired by the game 'Obey Me', so look out for that in a little while. Also, I know Phantom Rogue happens before Chrollo gets his nen back, but for the purpose of this book, it happens after he does, around this time. Also, I apologize for the very overdue update, things haven't been in the best situations lately so... yeah. Sorry about that.

"If you keep undressing me with your eyes babe, you might get a nosebleed," I smirk bending backward into an upward bow pose. Following Reya's advice, I had put another thread on myself, the condition being that I don't feel the pain of the curse mark. I'll admit, it did help with the pain, but I can feel my nen draining much more than it usually does. 

The threads connected to my close friends and family use the bond we share as fuel as well as atomic-sized dots of aura from both parties. The stronger the bond between us, the less nen it'll require. Whereas this one used to limit the pain of the curse mark is almost as draining as using my portals consistently before I got my family's abilities. 

After I changed into some leggings and a matching sports bra, we all ate breakfast in awkward silence in the kitchen before I decided to come outside and start doing some yoga. Since I started, I could feel Hisoka's gaze on my every move from the cabana where he appears to be idly playing with his cards not particularly intrigued by anything around him when in reality, the bitch's been staring at me every pose I change.  

"It's not my fault the sight's one for sore eyes, tell me why haven't put your flexibility to the test in the bedroom yet?" Good grief.

"Oh, I think you've been testing its limits quite well with all the positions you want to have me tied up in. I think I misplaced my hip bone last time," I huff rubbing my left hip. It's starting to stiffen so I should probably work on that. I know I'm older, but every time I start skipping on yoga and flexibility training, I can hear both my dads in my head yelling "if you're not giving professional gymnasts competition you're not doing it good enough," 

Sigh, I miss having them yell at me to train. I feel like it was the motivation I needed. Nothing makes you want to train more than your parental figures yelling that your great grandfather can run faster than you can. Or have your grandfather outrun you in a race to the point he has time to stop and get coffee. He'd look at me with that scowl that gives off the impression he's judging you. I mean he probably is, but if it's with me, it's probably about how lazy I've gotten or the clothes I choose to wear. 

"Have I? Maybe you should refresh my memory," In the midst of my stroll down memory lane, Hisoka finds his way behind me, my body firmly pressed into his, his hands on my waist. I'm in the downward dog position, not exactly helping the situation, but... Bringing my legs on the outer sides of him, I push all my weight to my hands and push my legs up to wrap around his waist. Shifting my weight to the side, he falls onto the yoga mat with me on his stomach. His hands come up and squeeze my ass making me jump. 

His little interruption actually is exactly what I need to calm my nerves. Turning around to face him, I remain on his stomach with my legs on either side of him. He smiles up at me, one of his arms on my waist, the other behind his head. Stupid dork always changing my moods when I need it most. 

"We got work to do you know," I mumble softly. Reaching forward, I run my fingers through his soft hair that he left down. "What'd you say to a little sparring clown?" His smile widens like a kid on Christmas morning. "How about we add a little wager, first one to submit or the one who's weaker after has to cook dinner," Standing above him, I put my hand out for him to take. His eyes move between me and my hand a few times before he takes it, pulling himself up on his feet. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now