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Hisoka's POV

"Hisoka... mom's crying and her fever went up again," Reya calls softly from behind the closet door. I left her with (Y/n) so I could take a shower. Illumi, Eva, and Athena left to get something and said they'd be back late. She's been out cold all day and it's already night.  Since she collapsed, she's been tossing, turning, and sweating profusely. Come to think of it, I did feel her moving around a lot last night as well, but I could have sworn it was just a dream. Her fever has been fluctuating at alarming temperatures. One minute she's as cold as ice, next she's a hot as lava. Even with the A/C on her fever gets dangerously high. I just hope Illumi gets back soon. I don't know how much longer I can take seeing her like this.

"I'll be out in a minute, replace the ice water for me okay?" She hums in response and goes on her way. Guess I better hurry and change into decent clothes. Quite a bother really, but I don't have a choice since there's a little one running around. That wouldn't have bothered me before, but let's just say I'd rather not have (Y/n) yelling at me when she wakes up. Guess a pair of sweatpants will have to do. No time to throw on a shirt. 

Walking back to the bed, Reya soaks the towel in the ice bath and places it on (Y/n)'s head. I pull the blanket off of her and sit next to her on the bed on my side. 

Why are you crying, love? What's tormenting you inside there?

Brushing away the tears from her face, her once furrowed expression softens, her entire body as well relaxes under my touch. Even when you're out of it, you still react to my touch. You don't know what you do to me, and I don't think I'll ever understand it. 

Her fever just got higher than it's been all day. Unfortunately to say I don't have any idea of what to do when it comes to this. I had to make a phone call to Illumi. Then Reya said she was in the medical field when since she was young and she learned how to take care of people. That's basically the story of how I got stuck with her. 

"How long have you been learning these things?" I ask keeping my eyes fixed on my little dragon as my fingers graze her soft skin. 

"Since I was 5, I used to love watching mom and dad's sister heal people so it's what I got into. I spent hours with books about the body and healing and every doctor book I could find. Then when I turned 9 I started interning with dad's sister who was the head of our medical department. I did little things like taking temperatures, giving medicine taking care of fevers, and more," 

"How old are you now?" I have been curious. She looks at least 3 years younger than Killua and Gon

"I'm 10" Oh, not that much younger than Killua, yet I get this underlying feeling she has more power than she knows. Maybe I could help her unleash that power. "Hisoka...look" Following her gaze, seems the color previously drained from her face is finally starting to return. Her breathing seems to have finally stabilized as well, the fever slowly fading away. Hopefully, now she can sleep peacefully, even for a little while. 

What are you scared of love? And why are you trying to hide it from me? Mindlessly gazing at her while my finger continues to lightly brush against her cheek, I end up straying off into my own daydream. 

It's getting late, Reya must be- I can't help but chuckle at the poor thing lying on the edge of the bed next to (Y/n), one of her arms around (Y/n's) waist with her thumb in her mouth. Guess it's past her bedtime. As gently as I can, I lift (Y/n) up and bring her closer to me giving Reya a little more space to sleep comfortably. Back on my side, I put one of my arms under my head, the other on my stomach, my eyes never leaving her face. However, seems Reya has plans of her own. With her eyes still closed, she climbs over (Y/n)'s torso and lies comfortably between us. She's lucky she's cute, she gets a pass, this time. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now