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Eva and Lumi went inside a little while ago, she was starting to catch a cold so they went in to shower and change leaving me and Hisoka in here. It was quite fun, playing volleyball against the boys. Eva and I did beat their ass, but they weren't too happy about it. Hisoka's just gliding across the pool with me attached to him. One hand around his neck to hold onto him and the other playing with strands of his hair, both my legs wrapped around him. 

There's something just so tranquil about this moment, the faint glow of the candles being the only source of light, the air whistling through the trees, his grip around me, the sound of the water moving around us, it's all just perfect. 

"So, clown. What do you want to do now?" I smile. His head is against mine, just staring into my eyes. My heart's still doing laps from hearing him say he loves me, it's affected me to the point I don't know if this is reality, and if it's not, I really don't wanna wake up from it. I wanna stay here, with him in my arms. everything else lost to the wind. 

"I'm fine staying  right here, although I suspect you have other suggestions?" I know exactly what is going through that perverted head of his. Tightening my grip around him, burying my face in his neck, I sigh.

"Nope, I'm fine staying here too," He chuckles and tightens his grip around my waist before continuing to glide around in the water for a bit. Eventually, when it got too cold, we came upstairs to change, stealing another one of his sweaters. At this point, the sweater I wear could be either one of ours, but I do appreciate wearing his clothes a bit more. 

"Do you wanna go to bed? Or do you wanna put on a movie and watch?" I ask him as he's drying his hair coming out of the bathroom in only boxers. He has the habit of sleeping in as little clothes as possible, and frankly, I'm not complaining. I like the view. 

"Hmm, what movie did you have in mind?" The way he says it makes me wanna put on the most erotic movie there is and say 'Can we try that' 

"Your pick," I shrug lying on the bed with my gaze on the ceiling. He grabs my ankles and pulls me down to the foot of the bed, my legs dangling off the edge on either side of him. With his body between my legs, he hovers over me, his arms on either side of my head. His hair is getting ridiculously long. "Your hair is poking me in the eyes," I giggle parting the chaos of hair to meet his eyes. "There, much better," He picks me up and puts me in the center of the bed. He gently drops his head on my stomach and holds onto my sides. This dork. "Guess we're going to bed," He hums as I play with his hair, his eyes slowly start to close until he's fast asleep. 

How he sneaks out of bed so quietly is beyond me. Then again, I am quite a heavy sleeper. Now, why did I wake up? Oh right, to shut off the annoyance that is my phone ringing for who knows how long. Grabbing the nuisance from my nightstand, the first thing that gets my attention is 15 missed calls from Athena. SHIT. Frantically jumping out of bed, I portal to her to see if she's okay. 

"ATHENA?!!" I yell out like a maniac looking through the entire grand hall for her. The place is suspiciously deserted. That's already alarming to me. The high pitch screech from the library gets my attention, and like the idiot I am I teleport in without thinking twice, exiting the portal directly in front of one of the bookcases, causing me to hit my head sending me onto the floor. Ow. "For the love of pancakes, why are you screaming and ringing down my phone so early in the morning?!" I scold getting up from the cold marble floors. 

"That's why," Looking to my right, poor Athena's scared looking at something that seems to be glowing in front of her. 

"What happened?" Back on my feet, I jump in front of her and draw my cards waiting for whatever is about to come out of that increasingly large glowing orb of blue light. Why does it look as if it's coming out of that big book I read the first time I was here?

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now