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"It's sunset, I kept my end of the deal, can we go now?" I ask anxiously. My nerves are starting to get to me and I don't like this uneasy feeling I have. Lumi just stares at me for a bit. C'mon white wall. Let's goo already. Please. 

"Fine," he sighs removing his arm from around Eva to get up. He gives her a kiss goodbye and we portal just outside the gate to the mountain. I don't wanna call him in case he's trying to be inconspicuous. 

"Let's start roaming around the city. If we see anyone from the troupe we'll know what to do next. If not, most likely we'll find him by a bar or something," I can't tell if he's being serious or not. That's a horrible plan. I don't have any better ideas so I guess we don't have a choice. It'll be dark soon which will make it harder to find him... if we were amateurs. Good thing we're not. Still, though, it is a nuisance really. 

Casually strolling through town, nothing seems out of place or even unusual. Yet I can't shake the feeling we're being watched from afar. 

"You feel it too, don't you?" Lumi's voice brings me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, seems far away though, but I can't pinpoint an exact location," Normally on the field we can talk to each other with little to no words since we got used to communicating so well on missions.

"Let's go then," Following his lead, we disappear into the forest nearby, flying through the trees without so much of a sound to be heard. Sure enough, those eyes that we thought were watching us are trailing our asses. Oh great. Just what I needed. At least now I have a clearer idea of where they are. Nodding over at Illumi, I portal behind our pursuer and use my lightning to trap them in a cage when I had them in sight. Their body falls through the trees landing just in the clearing in the middle of the forest. 

"Alright dumbass, you got 5 seconds to explain who sent and why you're trailing us before I fry your ass to dust," I threaten cracking my knuckles. I've been pretty bored lately so the thought of having a reason to kill excites me.

"What up shortie," Of course it had to be him.

"Phinks, what are you doing here?" Removing the cage, I let him out. He doesn't know I know anything so I have to act as neutral as I can. "A bit far from your usual spots dontcha think?" I put my hand out to help him up.

"Not really, we're actually here looking for someone. We got a tip that he's around here," Fuck. "How's the old man?" He actually met my dad last time he was here. We were roaming around the city after getting drinks and ran into my dad. 

"He uh, he died. Two months ago," The words feel like sandpaper against my throat. 

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss," Phinks means well I know that, but I also know that they're going to kill Hisoka if they find him. Hisoka is strong, I know he is. But he can't win against Chrollo. Not when he's acquired these new abilities. 

"Thanks, anyway, why were you trailing us like a stalker?" I joke

"I saw you with that guy and I was curious of the new boyfriend,'" He points to Illumi. Lumi and I glance at each other momentarily, both of us amused yet horrified by Phinks' words. Unable to contain it, I burst out into laughter. 

"He's not my boyfriend, he's my brother," I manage to get the words out through my hysteric laughing. 

"Oh, I'm sorry," He scratches behind his head nervously. "I'm actually heading back to the rest of the troupe, do you guys want to come with?" If I say yes, things could get messy. However,

"Actually, I have a meeting with some people from my clan in a bit, how about you text me the address and I'll come over later?" I smile widely at him. Please take the bait. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now