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"Is Illumi alright?" I ask him, his head still buried in my neck.

"He's fine, I don't think even a God could strike him down," He mumbles against my skin tickling me. 

"Are you alright?" I ask playing with his hair in my fingers. 

"I am, now that you're back in my arms," He's become so cheesy I don't know if I love it or dislike it. "Not to be ungrateful, but the way you talked about doing what you did made it seemed like you were gonna disappear in that dark aura,"

"I almost did. It almost consumed me fully, tortured me, and chained me deep within it. But then I remembered that I still have to cash out my bet with you and there's something I'm dying to make you do," He brings his head up to look at me trying to decipher what's going on in my mind. Cupping his face in my hands, I kiss his cheek. "In all honestly, I remembered what I was fighting for. You, Lulu, Eva, the kids, and the rest of this crazy family, and it helped me regain control. Guess I should put more faith in myself huh?" He buries his head back in my neck pecking at it lightly. "Can we go see Lulu?" I ask softly in an almost in a pleading tone.

"Whenever you're ready love," He chuckles. Climbing off of him, I walk to their room holding onto Hisoka's hand pulling him along with me. 

"BITCHHHH," I shriek in happiness jumping onto him. He rolls over in time to avoid collision. I'm sad I didn't get to jump onto him but you know, you win some, you lose some. I pull him into a hug squeezing him for dear life. "You son of a bitch! Do you know how terrified I was when Eva called and said you're missing?!!" I cry into his shirt which for some reason smells like candy and- "You motherfucker," I climb onto his stomach and grab the neck of the shirt shaking him. "THIS IS MY SHIRT!!" I slap the bitch. I'm the only one allowed to steal clothes in this relationship. I hear laughter and turn my head to see Eva and Hiskoa laughing profusely at us. "What's so funny?" I pout. 

"It's nice to see things back to usual. It's relieving. We're always fighting someone or trying not to die that we never get to have much time together like this anymore," She does have a point. Behind us, the sun starts to rise casting its warm irritatingly bright glow into the room. 

"Hey, can you move properly?" I ask shaking Illumi.

"If you'd stop treating me like a rag doll, yes," Letting go of his shirt, I climb off the bed and portal to my room to get my phone. After a bit, I pop back into the room. 

"Pack your stuff losers, we're going home," I smile widely. They all stare at me skeptically before moving to gather their things. Back in our room, Hisoka's kind enough to pack all our things up while I lie on the bed with my legs dangling off the edge and my phone above my head texting grandpa. There aren't many things to pack so it shouldn't take him long.

Something cold wraps around my thighs pulling me down. Before I could react, Hisoka's between my legs, hovering over me with a mischievous grin on his face causing me to giggle.

"Hola papi," As quickly as the words left my mouth, terror soon struck after. His eyes widen momentarily before covering it up with a smirk.

"Oh, so that's how it is now?"  Oh god, that brain's already turning in the most cynical ways. 

"Nope, not one bit," I chuckle nervously. His hand moves and pins mine above my head, his other hand snaking its way up my shirt. He starts kissing on my neck lightly

"How about we try that again, in English," He taunts seductively. Where is that god damn self-control when you need it?! I don't comply, instead, I just let the soft moans escape my mouth as he continues to kiss up and down my neck while his free hand plays with my boobs. Say it," He bites down slightly on my neck. I still don't comply. my moans start to grow louder with every bite. "Don't make me ask again, I won't be as nice," 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now