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For the update b4 this I asked what y'all are and I realized I never said what I am. Sooooo if any of you were curious, I'm a brat/switch :) a very dangerous combination but who doesn't love danger ;p

Eva and Illumi walk into the kitchen, both of their eyes widening seeing us up before them. For so early in the morning, both of them are fully dressed. 

"This is new, I don't like it, what did you two do?" Lulu asks eyeing us suspiciously. 

"Relax, we didn't do anything," I giggle. It'll probably seem suspicious but ya know, I don't care. Rolling his eyes at us, he walks over to the coffee machine and pours two cups out filling one with creamer and sugar and the other with just sugar. "I see you still like your coffee as bitter as your soul," He rolls his eyes and takes the coffee to Eva who's sitting at the island before plopping down on the stool next to her. 

"Hisoka, I'd suggest you go change so we can leave, the faster we finish this the earlier we can come back," Lumi scolds him. Sigh. He just blatantly ignored me. How rude. He lets go of me and heads upstairs. "How bad was it?" He asks swirling his coffee in his mug.

"He shattered two of my ribs in his hands, so I'd say pretty bad," I sigh grabbing my iced tea from the fridge. I'm still not allowed caffeine but Lulu does let me sneak in a little bit every now and again. He does love me after all. Who would have thought? 

"Not as bad as what you did me a few years ago," He nonchalantly sips his coffee. He's referring to the time I broke his jaw and both his arms while in a nightmare fighting someone. Oddly, I can't seem to remember who. All I remember is waking up in a panic because I hurt Lulu so bad. 

"I said I was sorry didn't I?" I pout folding my arms over my chest.

"What are you two talking about?" E asks looking back and forth at both of us. She really slept through last night? I mean I know I tried to muffle the sound but I was screaming my lungs out. The entire upper floor could have heard me. I give her the look. You know, the one that says I'll tell you later.

Hisoka comes down not too long after, him and Lulu setting out for their mission leaving E and I with the house for ourselves. Too bad for us, we got a mission to prepare for before we laze around on our asses all day. 

There's someone hiding amongst street racers that have been kidnapping bystanders at races and selling them on the black market. My job is to get in figure out who it is and take em out. We have a vague idea of a name but what we do know for sure is his racer name. Cryptic. Douchy but what do you expect from em. 

Thankfully for my rep in the street racing scene, I'm able to get into any racing event easily. I keep both lives separate for one sole reason. So that I can infiltrate easily. To them my job is a chemical engineer, I do have a degree in it after all, I just never use it. The only person in that part of my life that knows the real me is Matheo. And I plan to keep it that way. 

"So, where is this mission taking you?" E asks helping me go through what little info we have on him.

"Tokyo, a beautiful city filled with beautiful cars and beautiful scenery," I've only ever gone maybe 3 times at most, but I love it. There's just something in the air there that seems....mystic. Surreal honestly. 

"You going alone or are you taking anyone?" That's a good question honestly. 

"You wanna go with me?" The words come out faster than I can process them. Her head shoots up to look at me. 

"Sure,"  A wide grin spread across her face, I already know I made the right call. "You wanna spar a bit after this? Come to think of it, we've never fought each other," She chirps. She has a point. I'm either training with Hisoka, grandpa, or Illumi, I've never gotten the chance to fight her. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now