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Am I still in shock? Yes. Very much so. Hisoka sent Eva back to the hotel in case he would come back while he and I searched the city. My entire body feels like it weighs a ton. On the outside, I seem cool and collected, but on the inside, I'm full-on panicking. How can Illumi be missing? He's Illumi!! Unless, unless Omokage or Conor got to him. Lost in my own daze, I end up tripping on one of the roofs sending myself tumbling to the ground. At least I fell where there's no one around but a forest nearby. There's no light or anything either.

A pair of footsteps come up behind me. Oh great. Just what I need. 

"You fell all that way just for me Pipsqueak?" oh no. I know that voice. 

"Forgive me for not being elated to see the dead risen, I was hoping to see someone else before you came seeking revenge," Getting up off the cold gravel pavement with only a few scuffs on my body, I meet one of the few things I regret. The walking soulless shell of Phinks. It's him no doubt. Aura and all. Except for one major difference. There are two dark empty black holes where his eyes should be. My heart knots seeing him standing in front of me. "I'm sorry Phinks, believe me, I am," Do I really have to fight him again? Can I go through that right now?

"Who said I was seeking revenge?" Say what now? Someone who died by my hands isn't looking for revenge? 

"I'm not your target?" I ask completely surprised by this. For once I don't have to fight. 

"No, no you're not," He turns around and starts walking away. "You know Pipsqueak if things were different,  or maybe in another time. I would have taken you out for drinks the same night you walked into the church with the boss," He stops momentarily to turn back at me and smile. I'll admit, it does ease me a bit.

"I'd probably have kicked your ass first," I smile back. 

"I wouldn't have minded. Take care of yourself pipsqueak," He disappears into the darkness leaving me standing here just staring into the void of night. Back to business. Finding Illumi. 

We search for hours, covering all the way to the abandoned buildings sitting in the middle of forests. The sun even came up a few hours ago, but no sign of Illumi, not even in the slightest way. I've tried portaling to him, but it keeps taking me to this graveyard on the hills in front of an abandoned falling-apart mansion that I've checked at least 3 times. 

Stop freaking out (Y/n). He has the thread protecting him. He'll be fine. He'll be fine. The bitch's too stubborn to die anyway. My body feels exhausted. Even more than it usually does because of this stupid curse mark.

"Is there anywhere else we can extend the search to?" I pant trying to feel something around me to hold on to. Before I could fall, Hisoka caught me bridal style. Just like he always does.

"You should rest. You've been searching for 12 hours. Plus your curse mark is putting a strain on your body," I think that's Eva talking. Outside's so bright, and my head's so fuzzy. 

"I'm fine. Just a little longer. We can't just leave him out there," They both go silent, not a word spoken between them. Oh great, this is the part where they either disagree with me and forcibly make me stop or agree with me then put me to sleep.

"Fine, but you're not leaving my side," Hisoka really just agreed to this? Wait. That means Eva- 

Before she could use the pressure point technique on me to put me to sleep, I portal out of Hisoka's arms and end up falling on my butt onto some grass. 

"Idiot! Don't you know not to portal in unannounced?!" Wait, that's Kill's scolding tone. 

"Nice to see you too lil bro, do you mind giving me a hand-" Wait a second. We're in the cemetery that I kept coming to when I was trying to find Illumi. "What are you guys doing here?" Finding my footing, they fill me in on everything, including the little girl traveling with them. Seems Phinks isn't the only one roaming the city. Wait. Phinks, Uvogin. They're both dead. Is it Día de Muertos or something? Oh well. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now