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"You two have been fighting for hours and you've destroyed part of the forest. Aren't you ready to give up?" Illumi comes out to the backyard staring back and forth at both Hisoka and I trying to catch our breaths. 

We've both taken significant damage but neither of us is willing to back down. Especially with the level of control being wagered on. I could get him to either make me food all day or use said power to make other things happen... Same goes for him. If he were to have me do whatever he said for a week... who knows where that twisted mind of his could go. Not that I'd be complaining in the slightest but still, a girl's gotta keep some of her dignity. 

Hisoka's on his knees with his hands on his thighs, blood trickling down from his head, arms, nose, and neck, while I on the other hand am very comfortable lying like a starfish on the cool grass, letting the blood from my body trickle onto the ground. My vision's all hazy and I think he ruptured one of my lungs. Not like I'm going to let him know that. I'll save my healing cards for when one of us caves. Reya's out in town with Amane and Athena so unless one of us is actually planning on dying, I'll have to use the cards. I did disable Hisoka's thread to make sure he wasn't cheating so yeah, that's that. 

"What do you say, love? You ready to call it quits and submit to me for a week?" He coughs, droplets of blood coming out of his mouth. He grabs his side in pain but manages to catch himself with his other hand before his body could fall to the ground. 

" I'm hurt babe, to think you would know me well enough by now to know that I don't submit that easily," I smirk turning my head to face him.

"Enough of your creepy sexual banter, come inside for dinner when you're done. If you're dying and can't do anything about it yell for help. I'll be in the living room," He waves us off as he walks back to the house. 

You know, sometimes I really don't know if to be grateful for Illumi or smack him in the head. But I guess that's what a sibling is. A mixture of both. Oh well. Can't live with him, and I can't live without him. It is what it is. 

"You ready to give up babe? I'm pretty sure I fractured one of your ribs and possibly your shoulder. Watcha say? Ready to give up and submit to me for a week?" I ask taunting him. Looking over to where he is, he's not there anymore. Oh shit. 

Frantically scanning my surroundings, he's fully disappeared. Ohh no. I'm fucked. I can't even move properly and I'm running off of one lung at the moment.

The trees. 

Attaching one of my threads to the tree in the distance, I pull myself into it hiding amongst its thick and bushy branches. If I stay in one spot he'll find me easily. If I open my portals he can trace the residue from the nen. I'm too worn out to cover up all of its traces so I'm gonna have to be smart about this. What's the most efficient way I could win this using the least amount of nen and body strength necessary.

Alright bubblegum princess where the hell are you hiding? And how are you hiding without your hair being a dead giveaway?! HOW ARE YOU EVEN HIDING WITH YOUR GIRAFFE LOOKING ASS?!

"Boo," The bitch mumbles in the shell of my ear. I end up losing my balance on the trees, slipping off the branches. Before I could fall, Hisoka catches me, both of us hanging upside down from a branch with his bungee gum holding onto us. Both my arms lie comfortably against his chest while his lie securely around my waist.

"I could have died," I bark monotonically. 

"You didn't" He hums with a smile

"I could still die," I continue

"I won't let you," He brings his face closer to mines. 

"You punctured one of my lungs and currently have me hanging upside down. All that blood has to go somewhere you know," His smile widens

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now