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"You'll have to stay on the sidelines for me, I need someone to keep watch for suspicious activities," I explain to Hisoka as I pull up to the race's location. It's an abandoned city area close to the sea. It's ultimately abandoned, but the roads are still in prime shape. 

"Oh? How dull," He pouts next to me. It's incredibly laborious to keep my eyes off him when that dark green t-shirt is clinging to every bit of his torso. 

"Hisoka, we're on an assignment, we can't play around as much," I warn looking for a spot to park. Kuroo spots my car and flags me down to park next to his car. 

"Glad you could make it," He smirks at me. Hisoka comes over to my side of the car and sits on the hood pulling me to stand between his legs. 

I notice more than a few people around us staring at me, or Hisoka, could be either or, and frankly, it doesn't bother me as much as it would have two years ago. The bubble gum princess has rubbed off on me in multiple ways and I'm grateful for it. 

"You racing tonight?" I smirk back. His expression shifts to a state of confusion. 

"No, not tonight, I'm just scoping out the competition so I'll be ready for tomorrow's race," 

"Good, then you're riding with me for my race," His eyes light up instantly.

"For real?! Awesome," Looking behind him, all his friends are chilling conversing among themselves with sodas in their hands. Strange lads indeed. They're all above drinking age yet they chose sodas. Oh well, guess not everyone indulges in alcohol. 

The people here are much more... expressive than they are back home. There are people with brightly colored hair, even brighter colored clothes, flashy cars, and don't even get me started on their makeup. I feel a bit underdressed actually.

The variety of cars here is simply amazing. From V8 to v12 engines, newer body kits, and possibly even newer redesigns on the interior. The cars here are all top market supercars built for racing. It is slightly intimidating but overall thrilling to think of the challenge it could be. 

Scanning the area, it's hard to pick up any suspicious persons. Not even scanning the area with my powers are helping. This could be troublesome. I'm sincerely hoping Kuroo and his friends have nothing to do with this. 

"Hey Kuroo, you know anyone who goes by the name Cryptic?" He tilts his head to the side then looks up. 

"Doesn't ring any bells, then again I'm not familiar with the racers here. I only got into racing when I moved to Swardini," Tough luck. Guess I'm gonna have to socialize... how inconvenient. 

Cars start driving up to the road lining up beside each other. The first race is starting huh.  

"Hey salty, climb in won't ya," I call to the tall blonde dude. His friends start snickering while he rolls his eyes but walks over to me. Turning around I pull Hisoka's collar so that he's a bit closer to me and kiss him, my arms wrapping around his neck, his around my waist. "Try not to be too flirty would ya," I smirk running my fingers up and down the back of his neck 

"Don't go easy on them," He smiles widely at me before connecting our lips again.  Letting go of him, he slides off the hood and opens my door for me to climb in. He closes it and stands next to Kuroo. 

"Got your seatbelt on salty?" He just rolls his eyes.

"What are you planning to do?" He asks staring out the window as I park next to the other drivers.

"You doubted me when Kuroo said who I am, I'm just giving you a front-row seat to prove you wrong. Granted I already offered Kuroo to ride in during the last race, you'll still get a taste of what I can do," I smirk confidently. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now