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"Why is nothing happening?" The air's still, around just flat out silent except for the brainless idiot rambling. 

"Maybe because I'm not actually dead you asswipe," I chuckle getting up from Hisoka's hold with his help. I didn't die, but that doesn't mean I didn't feel the effects of it. I felt all of it. Every last antagonizing moment of pain. Guess 10 years of torture and pain does come in handy. 

"How even-" He stutters completely astonished that I'm standing on my two feet. 

"Oh please, like I'd tell you," Looking over to Illumi, both he and Eva seem to be in shock. Nudging my eyes in the direction of Conor, Illumi understands what I'm asking of him, he disappears into thin air before reappearing behind Conor sticking him with one of his needles. Hopefully, this helps us, even the slightest bit. 

To our dismay, Conor dodges Illu's attack in time. Spotting an opening, I jump in and try to break his concentration to try and give Illu another opening. He manages to get his pin on the guy and I tie my threads to his hands. A safe distance away, I pull the threads locking his arms together. Illumi gracefully lands on his feet nearby waiting for Conor to become his puppet.

"Pathetic," He chuckles. He pulls his arms out of my threads like they're nothing and removes the pin from his neck. "Nice to know you're still the same persons you were even back then. Quite easy to read your movements and predict your actions," I try to attack him again, this time lunging forward and behind him, but he dodges and instead appears behind me, pushing me into the bookcase violently. The spot where his hand made contact with my body starts to feel warm but then fades just as quickly as it appeared. 

"Hisoka," I call still trying to get up. As he attacks, Conor disappears into thin air, Hisoka's cards finding home in the oak bookcase next to where Conor was standing. "Fuck. This could be trouble," Eva runs over to me and helps me get up. 

"What the hell were you thinking scaring me like that?!" Eva shrieks slapping me behind the head.

"Hey, in my defense, if I had said anything your acting wouldn't have been believable," She looks at me with a cocked brow. 

"Honey, you're horrible at lying," Illu butts in. Well, At least he said it so I didn't have to. She pouts crossing her hands over her chest.

"Wait, if that whole thing was an act, what did you and Hisoka say in that weird language?" Uhh....

"Quid tibi vis pro cena?" I mutter lowly. What do you want for dinner?

"Vobis. Cum verberaretur, crepito et fraga in summo." He mutters back. You, with strawberries and whipped cream on top. 

"Certus, quidquid vis, infantem," I sigh playing with little strands of his hair at the back of his head. Sure, whatever you want, baby

"Te amo," He kisses my forehead. I love you

"Etiam te amo" I hug him tightly almost as if I'm saying goodbye. I love you too

"I asked him what he wanted for dinner," I smile innocently

"And what did he say?" Lumi butts in. Man, I'm really gonna have to lie huh.

"Burgers and fries with a milkshake," I can feel Hisoka snickering behind me but I have to act as if I don't know anything. 

"Oh, well then, let's go home, the kids are probably worried, we can't deal with this situation here anymore anyway," She sighs.

Not me hoping we could have finished this here and now. I really didn't want this to drag out longer than it needed to.

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now