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"You moron, how did you not detect he was awake?! You were always the one able to tell," I smack him behind his head. I hid us in my portal realm where grandpa most definitely can't find us. And yes, we did do this frequently as kids. To my dad, his dad, grandpa, and my most violent pranks were on his mother. I don't regret a thing. 

"He's gotten better at concealing it, otherwise I would have detected it," He huffs crossing his hands over his chest. "So what now?" 

"We wait him out, neither of us can take him on, we know this," Don't let his short figure and old appearance fool ya, he's the strongest Zoldyck in the house. 

Ten painfully dull minutes later, we're debating if it's safe to go out or if we should wait a bit longer. Against Illumi's wishes, I pop out in the backyard looking around for the old man. Phew. okay, he's not here. Illumi comes out behind me but disappears within seconds. 

"LOOK OUT!" Someone yells out. Without realization, a fireball of aura comes flying at me with immense speed. Unable to open back a portal in time, I simply cross my hands in front of me sending Ko into them to brace the impact. I end up getting sent back a few meters but manage to hold my ground. I should have known we wouldn't get away that easily. At least he managed to get the glitter and silly string out... mostly. There's still glitter in his mustache which makes it hard for me to stifle a laugh. He's standing near the edge of the back porch with his arms behind his back. 

"Illumi, come out here," He commands. Oh boy, I know where this is going. Illumi drops down next to me. "Here's the rules. You two have 30 minutes to try and land a genuine hit on me. If you can't, both of you are grounded with cleaning duties for a month," 24 years old, saved the word a few times, almost died a few times, and I still get grounded. At least that means no missions. "Oh, and your missions will double," MOTHERFUCKER. 

"Your time starts now," Well at least Illumi and I have trained enough together to be able to communicate without even looking at each other. It's second nature. Looking at him, he nods at me. He lurches forward to attack disappearing just as he gets in front of him. Grandpa turns around expecting him to come from behind but instead, Illumi goes for his side to which grandpa blocks. 

While he's distracted by Illumi, I open a portal under him but he manages to jump out of the way. My kunai cards and shuriken are useless against him. I know that much. He catches them with ease and throws them back 5 times the force. Guess I gotta call upon that dragon form. Shifting into that form, I dash towards him being careful to keep my presence untraceable. Not that it'll be much help, but it's still a good precaution. 

While Illumi keeps him occupied, I zip around them strategically placing threads to trap him. Illumi, realizing what I'm doing does his best to keep grandpa in the area. Hopping onto a tree branch, I watch and wait for the perfect moment to pull the threads. Looking on at them fighting, it's impossible to keep up with their movements. What I can say though, is that either of them can get a punch in. 

The second grandpa is in position, I pull the threads pulling his body off the ground. Illumi goes in to strike but ends up hitting the air. Grandpa manages to get out of the threads and ends up behind Illumi landing a punch on him sending him into the ground.

And they scold me for putting holes in the ground on a dormant volcano. 

Adrenaline coursing through me, this time I start attacking grandpa. To no surprise, catching him off guard isn't an option. Each attack I blow he blocks, each attack he blows I dodge and or block. The more I attack, the more I can feel energy surging through my body like lightning. Letting my body take full control, a momentarily flash of surprise washes over grandpa giving me a small opening. Taking it, I land a kick on him sending him flying back into the treeline of the forest knocking down an entire line of trees.  

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now