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"Conor Abari. Can manipulate animals as well as create ones from his aura. Kill him by stabbing his heart. The only catch, he can rearrange his organs so finding his heart could be tricky," I explain to them quickly. 

"Let's go then," Opening a portal under us, we drop onto the cold marbled floors of the grand hall room next to the library. 

"Smart move putting your thread of fate on the girls. Too bad you weren't that smart in your past life, or else Roman would be here too as well with everyone else," A gruff husky yet monotonous voice comes from the throne behind us. I just get here and he's already pissing me off. Turning to the throne, a guy almost as tall as Hisoka with caramel skin, spiky red hair, and tattoos galore. I mean his entire neck covered in them as well as both his arms. His ankle-length trench coat with the sleeves ripped off showcases all of his intricate tattoos composed of animals and symbols of a wide variety. No doubt his entire stomach is covered in them too. It's partially visible through his sheer white shirt. Add that to his black cargo pants, and black combat boots, his style definitely matches his bad aura. His eyes match his hair, blood red. He doesn't look much older than us, then again dragons don't age the same as humans. 

"Tell me, if you were always like this why didn't I kill you sooner?" I'm genuinely confused as to why I let him live so long. If his aura was always this sinister wouldn't I have talked to Kai and get him killed or something?

"You tried, multiple times, but lucky for me, my naive best friend had my back," He smirks putting his leg up on the arm of the throne. "Ah, I see Hisoka's alive in this life, Kai must be crying his heart out to know you're with your first lover again, he always liked you, but you chose that clown over a God," No one calls him a clown but me. 

"It's magician actually, and yes, I'll happily choose him over any other guy," My answer seems to upset the asshole, and that makes me happy. This time I'm the one smirking. "Where are my girls?" He smirks, staying silent. "You can either talk or I'll just tear this place apart till I find them, I really don't care," I shrug

"Oh, but if you do that, Roman'll forever be bound to the book of time and not to mention-"

"Alright listen asshole, gimme my god damn kids back before I turn you into a dartboard, cook you into dragon steak, and feed you to my lovely hounds in my backyard," My patience is on a wire so thin it's invisible. 

"Well, that was an incredibly vivid series of events," Lumi adds from next to me. 

"Now now, how about we make a trade?" I already don't like where this is going. "I give you back your kids, Roman included, and you give me your life," 

"Like she'd agree to that," Eva justifies. 

"Sure," I shrug shocking everyone in the room, Conor included. 

"Of all the dumbest responses that have come out of your mouth, this by far tops all of them," Lumi adds, his expression portraying how utterly done he is with me.

What no one in this room knows is that I've been experimenting with the thread of fate on myself. The current conditions set are I won't die unless Illumi wants me to. Adding the consent of a person to the conditions implies that the action can't fall through unless the other person involves verbally consents to it. I'm using that little factor as my ace in the hole. 

"I agree with Illumi on this one. You'll die, dead. Gone,"  No shit asshole it is your deal after all. 

"Illumi, do you want me to die?" I ask innocently turning to him.

"Of course not. Why do you even have to ask?" To be fair, he does think of killing me himself when I annoy him, but in a playful manner to where I don't actually die, just suffer for a while until he feels guilty then he lets me go and we go watch movies with the company of a ton of junk food. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now