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"You're on time for a family dinner, how unusual, do you have a fever?" Dad welcomes us putting his hand against my forehead to feel for a fever. I playfully swat his hand away

"You gave me a choice, be on time or run 50 laps around the mountain without using nen, I think you know which I would choose," He just smiles. 

"Come on now Silva, how could you do that to my little angel? Though, it looks like she's not so little anymore" That voice. Turning around, it's exactly who I think it is.

"Great-grandpa Maha!"  I squeal running over to him. Maha is grandpa Z's grandfather. He lives up in the mountains away from everyone. But he does come to visit us every now and again. Guess that's where grandpa took the kids, on a little road trip. He's a little shorter than grandpa Z is, his physique a bit like grandpa Z's as well. I'll admit he is a bit funny looking but he's the best. Picking him up, I hug him tightly.

"Easy now, I'm fragile you know," He chuckles. I put him down gently, grandpa appearing behind him. 

"You know, you're the reason she's spoilt," Grandpa Z adds

"Last I remembered it wasn't just me to blame for that, you as well as Silva and Leon were a bigger part in that than I was," He chuckles. 

"I'm right here you know," I chuckle. "Grandpa M, there's someone I want you to meet." I grab Hisoka's arm from next to Eva and pull him beside me. "This is Hisoka, my boyfriend," He looks at Grandpa Z then to Silva who's now behind us.

"I'm surprised you let her have a boyfriend seeing how protective you were of her even though she's capable of taking out an entire military army on her own," He chuckles. 

"He passed the test, so we let him stay," Silva adds

"Test? What test?" I ask looking back and forth at them

"He got you to open up to him. You were trained not to trust anyone and to be suspicious of everyone. He got you to trust him and he's proven loyal to you and to us," Should I be angry about this? I really am not sure. But I guess I see the point of it. 

"Where are the kids?" I ask seeing that none of them has made an entrance yet

"They're coming," Grandpa Z waves me off as he walks past us to the dining room. 

"All that aside, it's nice to meet you Hisoka, I hope she doesn't give you too much of a hard time," Grandpa Maha chuckles walking past us. 

"Hey, I take offense to that," I turn to him waving me off. The kids come stumbling in almost as they've never walked before. "You guys drunk?" I ask trying to stifle my laughs

"Great Grandpa Zeno took us for a ride on his dragon, it was awesome," Roman chirps. It's refreshing seeing the little dude so excited. I can't help but giggle at their messed up hair and their frozen droopy expressions.

"I'm glad you guys had fun, c'mon, let's go eat," All three of them follow Maha to the dining room, Illu, E, Hisoka, and I following behind them. 

Since Maha is now the eldest person at the table, once he sits the rest of us follow. Gotoh, who's standing diligently at the back of the room claps his hands, a whole bunch of servers coming out with many trays of food. 

The first half-hour rolls by, and the cyborg witch has yet to comment on anything about me my boyfriend, or my kids. For that I am grateful but I know she's just trying to suck up to great-grandpa Maha. If it wasn't for Maha conversing with the kids, we would probably be eating in utter silence. 

Silva and Kikyo sit at one end of the table, Milluki, and Kalluto next to her. Grandpa Z sits on the other side of dad, Illu, E, Hisoka, and I next to him. The kids sit next to Kalluto for which I am grateful, and Maha sits at the other end. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now